Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I'm tired today. Tired of three bad days at work. Tired of being slave to a to do list. Tired of not having as much energy as I normally do. Tired of the daily grind. Tired of caving in to the donuts at work.

If only life was as easy and peaceful as it looks for this Willow Tree. Maybe if I didn't have a face people would leave me alone. Maybe if my hair was curly and pretty I'd be more content. maybe if my sole purpose was to make the alcove in the fireplace look pretty I'd feel like I was doing the right things. Maybe if I had angel wings I would feel like I was reaching out to the unloved.

But then again, maybe I'm just tired!


Lesa said...

ah, sound like you need a hug..
a virtual hug for you!{{Michele}}

I want to share my opinion of you- I find you an amazing woman, with lots of balls in the air! a career woman,wife,and a fun,involved momma..I am always amazed at your involvements in church and the amount of books you read and scrap projects you do!!

Chin up!..and your hair IS pretty!!..ok, I'm done!..Lesa

lynette said...

{another hug here} I'm sorry. Sounds like a rough week. I hope you find some time to relax soon.

Marie said...

Sorry you're so tired. Does it help to know that many are in the same boat? I wonder if it's just this time of year...I love your Willow Tree angel. I also agree with Lesa and Lynette. Hang in there.

nwscrapmom said...

Sending cyber ((hugs)) your way, Michele. Maybe with today being a new day you are feeling renewed (I sure hope so). I definitely agree with everyone else. You do so much for so many people it just amazes me. I honestly don't know how you do it. If I see it as someone outside your immediate circle of family and friends, I can only imagine seeing everything you do ~ it's overwhelming. You wish you had cute hair? Hello? It's ADORABLE! I only wish I were able to organize my basket to hold 1/3 as much as yours does... honestly, what you get done amazes me.