Monday, September 30, 2013


Some days are longer than others.  Hoping that in a month from now, on Halloween, that I am resting and vacationing, not working 11 hour days.  Bruce and I walked downtown this evening to help decompress.

It's a Monday!

Sunday, September 29, 2013


I was on the move a lot this weekend, but wasn't moving a lot.

On Friday I got a health and wellness message in my work e-mail.  The American Heart Association says we should accumulate about 10,000 steps each day. I’m trying!  And with Fitbit, I know just how close I’m getting.

The message went on to tell us that lower levels of activity cause our bodies to have trouble regulating blood sugar levels and we increase our risk of developing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.  And encouraged us to gear up for next imaginary Weyerhaeuser fitness walk, from Princeton to Las Vegas.


I was told that I blocked views taking this photo, so I may as well use it for the blog!

As storm warnings issued forth, it was fun to tell people that we were headed to an outdoor wedding.  But, alas, it was moved inside.  The hired photographer (far right) was in galoshes just in case.  Uncle Keith, in purple, was the #2 shutterbug.  I enjoyed trying to capture Uncle Pat capturing the evening.

Fun to catch up with relatives and celebrate with Chelsea and Will.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Both the kids are at the homecoming game.

In my day the homecoming dance was a formal affair, but now it is an informal school spirit dance right after the game.  So red sweatshirt, red ribbon, and lots of curls are in order.


Thursday, September 26, 2013


I’ve been travelling for the past three days, up and down I-5 over and over.

I’ve seen a lot of really pretty clouds from the highway.  When rain showers and sun breaks mix, it makes for some very pretty skies.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Worked in PeEll today, home late.  Straight to Xander’s tennis match.  Forgot camera!  Speed to Anastasia’s swim meet.  Quick dinner, back to the pool.  Bible study next.  Home at 8:30, oy!

Fun to see Anastasia swim this season, she is way fast!  Here she is int he water, doing 500 meter, with teammates cheering and counting laps.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The guys sure like their Ninja.  I guess I like it too, when I add berries to my Emergen-C to make a smoothie.  Xander combined carrots, broccoli, water, and a pear tonight, and said it wasn't half bad.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Happy first day of fall!

Time to change out the wardrobe.  Move to indoor exercise routines.  For Anastasia, start college classes.

Excited to wear my new cross necklace this week.  Proud that I didn't buy more jewelry when the opportunity knocked.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Our local Dairy Queens shut down back in April, disrupting our Sunday evening family dessert night tradition.

We decided to stop midway home this afternoon for an early dessert, to enjoy an old favorite.  The exit 88 DQ is new, and the red “plastic spoon” door handles are adorable.  The sale on Blizzards was also fun.

We’ve also decided that sometime in the future we’re going to order mini size Blizzards of several flavors we’d never normally try and check them out.


Here is where Bruce and Spent the weekend.  We had a view room on the water side of the Suquamish Clearwater Resort hotel.  The covered walkway is to the casino, and the parking garage where I walked several flights of stairs and got this photo.

Our car is the closest red one, and a few over is the red Red Canoe credit union company car.  Red Canoe hosted the trip as Bruce’s last meeting in his temporary role.

Fun fact: the totem pole that stood at the Northgate Mall is restored and now on the other side of the hotel.


Bruce got his new iPhone 5s.  He has been waiting for an upgrade for a long time.  He had to give up his unlimited data plan, sad day.  And no jailbreak option yet, but so far no need to.  The gold version is on back order until October, good thing he likes black (mostly silver, really).  Xander likes the flashlight feature, Bruce has been playing with the upgraded camera.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Look who made district time at the swim meet today!

Last year she was struggling to make district time at the last meets, this year she qualified at the first meet.  Looks like Killer Whales and swim camp is paying off.

“No man drowns if he perseveres in praying to God, and can swim.”  ~Russian Proverb

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


It’s tennis and swim season.  Two tennis meets and one swim meet this week.  So back to the tennis courts we go…

Xander played an exchange student from Switzerland today.

"Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquility." – Billy Jean King

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I liked high school.  But going back tonight, I’m glad I’m past that.  Even without all the emotional stuff, it’s a lot to juggle.

Tonight was back to school night.  Grab the kids schedules, spend 7 minutes in each class finding out what will be covered, hearing about grading philosophies, and seeing teacher time management skills, with a 3 minute passing period to find the next classroom. 

A lot of the same teachers, the kids seem to pop back and forth between them.  This is in Xander’s Chinese class.  A new Chinese teacher this year, she is going to put emphasis on the Chinese characters.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Killer headache all day.

On the plus side, wearing new bracelet bling.

Feeling like a Monday…

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Walking the lake.  An often repeated event.  With Bruce, without Bruce.  With headphones, without headphones.  In good weather and in not so great weather.

Today was odd.  Spent most of the day waiting for dump runs, spent two hours dealing with dump runs, then a few hours recovering from them.  Forgot to take any photos.

And another weekend winds down...

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I spent most of my day at church at the Beth Moore simulcast.  Love her worship team, love her wardrobe, and love her powerful messages.  She delivered on all counts today.

"For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace." - Romans 6:14

Friday, September 13, 2013


Tennis or yoga stance?

Wrapped up the workweek and headed to the tennis courts to watch Xander.  The RA Long Lumberjacks have 11 players and Camas has 55 players on their tennis team!


Thursday, September 12, 2013


In 10 days…

Bruce will have his iphone upgraded, with a much better camera.  Maybe one where you can see me!

The weather is forecasted to change drastically, likely ending my fun on the paddle board.

Until then I’ll bask in our Indian Summer.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Homework time. 

Xander doesn’t use his locker.  He’s not even sure where it is.  Today he threw his backpack in the station wagon.

Big mistake.  Anastasia went to swim and youth group, keeping the backpack hostage.

Interesting that 9/11 was just another day.  Twelve years ago sure wasn't.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I got a text today from Bruce – “want to go to cash and carry tonight?”

Why not? 

Bruce shops to replenish he Electric Bean on Wednesday’s, but tomorrow will be busy, so getting a jump on it.

We got short on time and it was close to closing.  We decided not to go, then to go at the last minute.  We got there 15 minutes before closing.  Bruce assigned me a few items and asked me to ask the whereabouts of some new items, and he buzzed around the store.  We spent $167 on all things coffee shop related, and we were checking out at 5 minutes to closing!

He’s a speedy guy…

Monday, September 9, 2013


Yesterday was Anastasia's birthday celebration with food.  Today was Anastasia's birthday celebration with gifts.  And tomorrow she'll be celebrating with friends.

She really really really wanted these interchangeable Noonday sandals made in Uganda by students earning their way through university.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


September means back to school, Anastasia’s birthday, and lots of overtime.  We hit all three today.

Anastasia has been wanting to travel to Portland to shop for jeans.  We turned it into a birthday excursion, bringing her boyfriend along (Eli), getting part of her gift (no surprises this year!), and letting her pick out a dinner spot (BJ’s).

Saturday, September 7, 2013


A quiet Saturday at home.

Xander went to Seaside with youth group.  Anastasia went from swim practice to modeling at Angel’s Closet to a barista shift at the Bean.

Bruce and I did coffee and a garage sale, I went to work for a few hours, we walked to Angel’s Closet to check in, and went to an evening reception celebrating and touring the new downtown sculptures.

Anastasia was standing outside Angel's Closet waving at passing cars.  The open house was to raise awareness for the ministry of provide free formal gowns to high school girls.

Friday, September 6, 2013


"Why are you taking so many pictures of me?" - Xander
"You're here." - Mom
"But Dad's here too." - Xander

Friday night, time to loosen up on food and activities.  Xander made a dip with Franks sauce and continued an ongoing Friends marathon.


Thursday, September 5, 2013


The weather has changed, the morning routines have changed, the Pumpkin Spice latte is back… and yet, one of us is restless, in limbo, and stuck with a split schedule for a few more weeks.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I could post the normal back to school photo, but this is so much more fun!  Right after school Xander had to rush to the allergist for a retest appointment.  Not that they rush for us, we were there for over 2 hours!

Waiting for blood testing to confirm, but looks like Xander’s allergies are WAY better.  He got 56 test pricks today, and everything but dust mites and pet dander (#3 & 4) reacted bigger than the histamine (H).  He doesn’t get to go completely off shots, but down to one shot instead of three!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Darned Fitbit!  I changed my clothes after work and forgot to move my Fitbit, so it sat in my jeans on the floor while I was out climbing stairs and walking a bunch to make my daily goal.

I told Bruce I'd go to coffee with him if we got 4,000 steps (to get me to 10,000).  We walked across the mall to a different coffee spot, to and around the office supply store, then to and around the bath store in search of a bath mat for our new bathroom.   

Then I came home, retrieved the Fitbit, and climbed more stairs and walked the lake.  Great outdoor weather at least!

Monday, September 2, 2013


A day off from painting, what do we do?  An eight plus mile hike with our small group.  The weather was perfect, the falls and creek views were lovely, and the companionship was great.  Oh, but the water was a bit cold for swimming or even wading!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Day 2 of painting.  The sun is in the wrong spot in this photo, but I still like it.  Really tired of brown paint, but it's looking nice...