Monday, February 28, 2011


Xander was the only Fischer that didn’t have a meeting tonight. Bruce had his Longview Housing Authority meeting, I had the Highlands Neighborhood Association meeting, and Anastasia had a meeting with the Parks Department to review grant requests.

I have plans all night this week. It’s a week to get through rather than a week to make progress on my goals. Many weeks are like that. Maybe Xander is the smart one, lounging on the couch in his PJs…

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today brought church, weekend chores, and a funeral. Another week and another month are coming to a close. Today is a pause before things get hectic again.

We went to KFC for dinner, an old stomping ground we have not visited lately. I took a break from striving to be vegan to enjoy the artery clogging $4 chicken fried steak meal. Amy and Bradley joined us for the afternoon and for our fine dining experience. Look closely – I’m in the photo too!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Tonight Anastasia went to the movies with Bradley’s family, and Xander, Bruce and I hosted Family Game Night at the Highlands Community Center. I played a few rounds of Cadoo, spoons, and Ultimate Outburst. Good turn out, good food (I baked cookies most of the day, including Peppermint Moon Pies) and good laughs.

“It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.”-- Tom Brokaw

Friday, February 25, 2011


Today turned out to be our big snow day. Well, it didn’t actually snow any more today, but today was the treacherous driving day. A four day weekend for the kids. Glad Bruce could drive me into the office.

Before work I walked out front to take some photos of our house in the winter wonderland. The trees against the rising sun were so calm and pretty, as was the snow on the log piles at work.

“When snow falls, nature listens.” ~Antoinette van Kleeff

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I almost feel guilty for declaring a snow day today. This was my view (with no sunshine) when I peeked out our bedroom window at 4:30am, and it’s snowing and sticking again in the evening. But during the day it was sunny and warm and melting fast.

Bruce and the kids went sledding, but I slept in late (after getting up early to check conditions and e-mail my staff), walked the lake with a friend, laid on the couch and watched a movie, went looking at properties for sale with Bruce, and puttered on my to do list. A nice midweek treat.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The snow looks like rain. But it’s snow.

It snowed on and off all day; never stuck to the road, never disrupted school or evening activities. I thought it cancelled my day in Vancouver, but the carpool pressed onward.

Bruce was a nice Dad and drove the kids to school before driving me to the park & ride.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tonight we tried out a new coffee place. I enjoyed the pillow on my chair. I know that decaf isn’t considered real coffee, but it’s a wise choice for me in the evenings. I’m a wimp.

Today at work we all wait for snow. Some embrace it, some don’t want to travel in it, and some are hedging on what the disruption will do to log deliveries. I brought home my laptop, since I’m a wimp.



As I was nodding off to dreamland, I realized that not only did I forget to post my blog, but I had not taken a single photo all day! I decided to let it go rather than get up and search for a photo and story.

"An empty canvas is full." - Robert Rauschenberg

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Wish I was better at relaxing.

It’s taken me most of the day to get my weekend chores done. Still struggling with my New Years Resolution to continue to try to prune my schedule and priorities to feel more at peace with my world. My list is shorter, but is still consuming.

Anastasia looked so grown up as she sipped at a cup of tea and flipped through a magazine. I’m jealous – that she looks good in gray, that most of her hours are at a leisurely pace, that she enjoys tea.

“It takes time, love, and support to find peace with the restless one.” - Deidra Sarault


The day started with fresh peaches in my breakfast fruit bowl, and ended with peach pie for dessert. Grama & Gampa have a freezer full of Marie Calendars’ pies!

In between was over five hours of driving; I almost heard an entire audio book this week with all my travels!

Had a good visit with G&G.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I’m trying to make desserts at home more often. Less money, higher quality ingredients, less calories (I think), and reclaim some pantry space.

“Why can’t we just eat them now, like this?”

I’ve been wanting to make Peanut Butter and Granola Bonbons with Coconut no-bake cookies from the Flexitarian Cookbook for a long time now. My mini chocolate chips walked away, but I had the other ingredients and some full sized chocolate chips in the freezer. Nobody ever steals food from the freezer!

“Why are they called bonbons?”

Xander likes to hover when I’m baking. He always claims the beaters (none this time, ha!) and bowl to lick. I told him stories about Grandma Dorothy loving peanut butter.

“Wow, I can really taste the peanut butter!”

“These aren’t vegan! They have chocolate chips!”

You’re right, dude. Not sure your sister has any clue what vegan means. Not sure you’ll choose the road less travelled, but at least you know it exists.

“These are so good! They are cold though.”

Right again, dude! This recipe is a keeper.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


“But I’m not hungry.” – Anastasia, when asked to set the table

“I’m really hungry.” – Anastasia, when dinner is served

Xander stayed later at the basketball game, so we were treated to non-stop prattle of middle school girl talk through dinner. Who’s breaking up with who, which girls are cool, how Xander behaves in Art class, why she’s $3 negative on her lunch money account, weekend plans…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Can it really only be Wednesday? Seems like it should be Thursday.

Is Survivor really started again on Wednesday? Seems like it should be Thursday…

Did the Wednesday routine – read a Facebook text from the girl as soon as school got out, took Anastasia to tennis, went to Paytons to fill the fruit bowl, changed into workout wear for my evening jag on the treadmill. Just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The boy eats.

And eats and eats.

Xander and I seem to race to eat the kiwi. Bruce bought a bag yesterday, and they are almost gone.

I like to peel and slice them for my morning fruit salad, for variety. Xander likes to eat them whole, fuzz and all, for snack.

“Someone once threw me a small, brown, hairy kiwi fruit, and I threw a wastebasket over it until it was dead.” - Erma Bombeck

Monday, February 14, 2011


Bruce and I are both wearing orange on this traditionally red day. Our gift was earthquakes in the morning, property tax bills in the afternoon, and a picky eater at the dinner table in the evening. Just another Monday when your sweetie decides to boycott the day...

“Nobody even said happy Valentines day to me today.” – Xander

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Over four hours in the car today, ugh! We woke up to sun at Cannon Beach (after storming heavy all day yesterday) and will be retiring back home in Longview. In between, a rendezvous at a Starbucks in Tumwater to reclaim the kiddos.

This photo is at our worship, overlooking the ocean waves.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” – 1 Corinthians 13:1


Today we were reminded that one thing Bruce and I are not opposites on is our decision making method. We are both spontaneous rather than cautious. “Let’s go for it” applies to the big and small decisions of our life.

Here’s Bruce in front of his store. We didn’t shop there this year, but walked by it on our way to the bakery for pre-breakfast coffee with friends.


Today started the 31st annual Longview Community Church couples retreat. Our seventh year attending. The theme this year? Communication.

One of the first things the speakers said is that living with an opposite is no picnic and is lots of work. Amen! But it’s also entertaining and lots of fun.

Here’s an artistic photo that didn’t quite work out. We’re trying to lean into the frame of rocks that spell out Jesus near our room at the conference center. It was too cold outside to keep trying.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


My devotion had an assignment to restate the 10 commandments as THOU SHALTS instead of THOU SHALT NOTs.

Here’s my attempt:
1. Make God your top priority and put all your trust in Him.
2. Worship God alone, and with all his mysteries and power.
3. Be careful with your words.
4. Rest and reflect on the Sabbath.
5. Give courtesy and respect to your parents.
6. Treat life as precious.
7. Keep sex as a gift between married couples.
8. Be attentive to the needs of others and be fair in all dealings.
9. Speak truth in love.
10. Be content with your own blessings and belongings.

Baking cookies tonight to take to couples retreat this weekend. Grape Nut cookies – chewy crunchy goodness as batter and baked. Xander hovered over me the entire time waiting for any crumbs I’d offer.

“Are these healthy?!? I’ll eat these!” - Anastasia

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Take two of the pose we tried last Thursday. Not sure we mastered it, but we’re moving on. Gotta love good hair days at least.

Xander and I enjoyed the spinach dip experiment with dinner. I painted my nails blue/black and packed for Cannon Beach. Got my car back from the shop – washed, even! No meetings, and kids off to youth group – halleluiah! Bruce & I rescued a tenant locked out of their car & house. What a hodgepodge of an evening!

One day closer to the weekend…

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


“There’s food? I’ll go!”

Xander accompanied me to the Relay for Life kick off meeting this evening. I thought it would be 45 minutes, an hour tops. Silly me. Finally walked out after 90 minutes.

I heard that they were going to put more emphasis on healthy choices (what an effective way to fight cancer!), but the only thing that was different were these signs…

Monday, February 7, 2011


How do you photograph rainy and gloomy?

I started the day pretty chipper, but feel like the day beat me down a bit. I’ve been cold all day, and seeing driving rain outside makes me feel even colder.

I was photographing out our front window (the dark blob is my car) in night mode when a car drove down the street, leaving a smear of lights. Not scrapbook worthy, but fun.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Xander has been asked “what happened to you?” and “who beat you up?” a lot lately.

He came home with a swollen and ugly eye Friday, and the colors have been darkening ever since. The boys play football on their lunch break, and he got elbowed in the eye.

Maybe it’s vindication for rooting for the Steelers when everyone else around here is cheering on the Packers! Maybe he should be more diplomatic like his fellow Bears fan President Obama: “Once my Bears lost, I don't pick sides…I want -- I want a great game. I want a great game.”

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So many photos to choose from today… it was the perfect mix of activities and relax time at home.

We started our day heading north to Centralia for Anastasia to play her Fireflies flute solo. The lady critiquing her gave her heck for choosing a pop song, because it’s not geared toward flutes and has too much repetition. But I like it.

We ended our day heading south to eat at The Grant House at Fort Vancouver. We got it half price (and found out about it!) through Groupon. Two thumbs up to my hummus plate with pita triangles, feta, pickled onions & cucumbers, baby spinach salad with dried blueberries & cranberries, marcona almonds tossed in a horseradish vinaigrette, and grilled wild Northwest salmon served with a mushroom & leek ragout and a spinach sauce. And Bruce enjoyed his $18 hamburger - Mr. Adventure.

And in the middle of the day Bruce shuttled the kids to a football event with their new youth group while I scrapbooked. It’s fun to see them having so much fun and fired up for God, even if the back of my car is now full of mud…

Friday, February 4, 2011


Did you wear red today?

The building I work in houses 16 of us full time. 12 of us are women. And six of us remembered to wear red for National Wear Red Day to raise awareness in the fight against heart disease in women. Heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

Glad I spoke up to get a photo, glad that I work with so many special people (wearing red today or not), and so glad that it’s Friday!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Another evening that’s toast, and another not very good blog photo.

Tonight Bruce went to the PTO meeting and I went to the Harambee mission trip meeting. I abhor long meetings, especially after a really long day.

But, it’s almost Friday!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The theme of the day is bursting through the door.

When I got home from work, arms full of produce, I expected quiet since the driveway was empty. Silly me, I burst through the door to Xander’s video game noise.

When Bruce burst through the door after his meeting with a loud chorus of “Hello Family!”, I was straining to hear a phone conversation.

And this evening after another new youth group experience, the kids burst through the door excited about their evening and wanting more.

“Every day that is born into the world comes like a burst of music and rings the whole day through, and you make of it a dance, a dirge, or a life march, as you will” – Thomas Carlyle

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Baby, it’s cold outside! On this first of February. Life feels a little raw around the edges. And we need serious help composing a decent family photo!

I’m struck by how life – the good, the bad, the everyday – is so intertwined. On Sunday Pastor John used the woman touching Jesus’ hem as a charge to be mindful of the importance of touch. Our reading assignment for mission trip talks about interruptions – how Jesus was always available for interruptions (specifically mentioning the same touch) and how our God is all about interrupting us- interrupting our routines and the status quo. And my current fiction book spent a page talking about being an agent of change in a society where the status quo is having no status quo at all.

Not a big fan of change or interruptions, but this makes it seem a little more inviting.