Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Anastasia has been focusing on cleaning her room lately, so I went up there and took some photos tonight. Unfortunately it is still hard to take even a close-up without clutter and mess creeping into the camera lens.

I like this clock; its so whimsical and pepto pink.

In some ways time keeps flying by. How did we get to the last day of September? But in other ways it feels like things have slowed down. It feels like there is time to accomplish things and take time to watch the falling leaves…

“You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.” ~James Matthew Barrie

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


My word this year is relinquish.

Turns out that can also mean de-cluttering your life.

And I have a strong desire to get rid of about half the things in my scrapbook room. My scrapbook room that has been overtaken by Sunday School supplies, general household items, and other non-scrapbooking projects.

Starting with baby steps. I’ve been meaning to photograph and toss this memento for ages. It is burn salve, something I have no real need for. But the smell evokes such strong memories of my Grandma Dorothy. She used to sell McNess products, and it was a fun to stumble across this tangible memory.

But I never intended to keep it. So off it goes.

"Cluttering Is About Our Feelings, Not About Piles of Papers" -- From Clutter-Proof Your Business

Monday, September 28, 2009


Is it wrong to want to wear contacts just to avoid the glare on my glasses in photos? Not that this is my biggest complaint with this photo. But I’m sticking with it.

I made it through the day OK, but tonight I just want to roll into a ball and be warm! Fall is setting in. I don’t want to jump in the leaves, pull the guts out of a pumpkin, or wait for the car to defrost. But curling up with a book, increasing cocoa or mocha consumption, and staying home more don’t sound too bad!

“All the statistics in the world can't measure the warmth of a smile.” -Chris Hart

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I got my family photo shoot at the Japanese garden today!

We went at midday when the sun is harsh, but it was a nice relaxing photo shoot with Grandma & Grandpa and we took several hundred photos.

It was nice to have a quiet day at home today after running so long yesterday.

“No painting can tell the truth of a single instant; no snapshot can do anything else.” John A. Kouwenhoven

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I was on the road today from 9am to 9pm.

I planned the entire day up north around a 30 minute discussion with a delightful author down in Georgia.

This is part of my reading group called OTReaders. Normally I join the discussions long distance, but today I met up with them in person since the author was included. I also checked out the scrapbook store a friend opened in Tacoma, bought two pair of unbudgeted shoes at the wide shoe store, and had dinner and a few rounds of SkipBo with my grandparents.

“We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate.” -Henry Miller

Friday, September 25, 2009


Ever since I saw Becca’s senior photos, I’ve been wanting to get to the Japanese garden for some family photos.

Tonight Bruce and I headed there solo. I was hoping to catch some sunset photos, but we got there a little too late to have any light. And a family was hanging out where I wanted my photo.

So no family, no light, and no location, but a unique photo!

“Lord of the far horizons,
Give us the eyes to see
Over the verge of the sundown
The beauty that is to be.” - Bliss Carman

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Meet Marriage Man.

A wacky psychedelic guy showing up at the oddest time to offer marriage advice.

He’ll be debuting at church this Sunday to help promote the annual Couples Retreat.

And he’s mine. All mine.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I’ve driven over 400 miles for work so far this week. It will be nice to not need to get up early, have time for a shower, not eat my breakfast behind the wheel, and actually be at my office all day tomorrow.

I got caught in a construction stop on Highway 6 today, and I felt like I was in a Loggers Playday parade. I had log trucks ahead and behind me, and they honked and waved at the construction workers as we crept through the one lane section.

It’s days like this when I feel like a true Pacific Northwesterner.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This could be a post about how warm it is today and how pleasant it is to be outside near sunset.

Or it could be a post about a girl with a phone reattached to her ear. Here we go again! Xander is under foot; Anastasia is off in her own teenage world. Or wanting to bake in the kitchen, another new hobby.

“It's difficult to decide whether growing pains are something teenagers have - or are.” -- Author Unknown

Monday, September 21, 2009


Dinners aren’t met with much enthusiasm these days.

But tonight we were treated to a long monologue that went something like this:
“Oh, I like dinner tonight! I like that cabbage stuff, it reminds me of sauerkraut. I love sausage! I don’t need a salad; I promise I’ll eat lots of these veggies. The only thing that would make this better is to add sauerkraut!”

I have a spreadsheet list of dinners we rotate through, throwing in new ones often. This recipe is not on the spreadsheet, but has “YUM” and “serve over rice” written in the margin. Skillet Sausage and Red Cabbage with Corn and Peppers, #122 in 365 Easy One-Dish Meals.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


1. To retire from; give up or abandon.
2. To put aside or desist from
3. To let go; surrender.
4. To cease holding physically; release

My word of the year is coming into play tonight. I could break my neck to finish the to do’s I had planned to accomplish this weekend. Or I can decide that I’ve had a nice, relatively productive weekend and see how the evening plays out.

I guess I’ll let go of my hour-by-hour checklist without enough hours and surrender to whatever is in store. Follow the kids example- they have no problem abandoning structure! Bopping back and forth between the computer and TV is as relaxing as it gets.

“When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness.” -Nicole Kidman

Saturday, September 19, 2009


It’s Saturday, so it is soccer day.

Anastasia had a jewelry making event at church, and Bruce is out of town, so I was the lone spectator for the 11am game in Rainier.

We woke up to rain, so I was bundled up, but the sun came out and we had pleasant weather for the game. Xander was in for most of the time, only rotating out for fluid breaks. The team played well, winning the game.

First official game down, eight more to go!

"The values learned on the playing field--how to set goals, endure, take criticism and risks, become team players, use our beliefs, stay healthy and deal with stress--prepare us for life." ---Donna de Varona

Friday, September 18, 2009


Do you ever feel like you just HAVE to do something?

Tonight I felt like I HAD to go for a walk and soak up the sun. Like maybe it won’t be around much longer, or maybe I needed some quiet time, or help resisting an urge to make a cup of orange cappuccino tonight.

For safety sake I left the ipod at home, and the lake was very empty for a gorgeous evening. Just as I was turning back into our gate, I spied these cool fuzzy plants reflecting in the sunshine. So I grabbed my camera and had a mini photo shoot playing with the sun. Our alley is a great place for growing veggies and for watching sunsets!

“Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.” ~Ansel Adams

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Farmer Michele has a new rooster!

For those of you following the “no roosters in my kitchen” saga, looks like Bruce budged a little.

I really like this funky guy.
I also like that it is almost the weekend.
And that I took a break from wii Active sessions to have coffee with the girls.
And that I have Survivor to watch with Bruce again.

Life is good!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today was “Obey Your Sister Day”, a new holiday dreamed up by middle schoolers.

Alexander kept a low profile all day, hoping the bossing wouldn’t last all day. It started shortly before youth group- “Put on my shoes and tie them!”

Xnader also went to youth group in one of his sisters pink shirts and pink wig, and spent youth group doing spas, nail painting, bathroom gabbing, manners, etc. And the guys served the girls pizza dinner.

Silly kids!

“I haven't seen so many men wearing pink since I was a kid in the '70s and 'The Preppy Handbook' was in its first printing.” -Brian Boye

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Xander looks the way I feel at bedtime. Going to bed is one of my favorite parts of the day. Resting my eyes; reading a novel; stilling my brain and my body.

Struggling to get a photo today. Left the camera home during our walk. Working on other things tonight.

One of the things I’m working on is the extended family photo calendar for 2010. I always get so depressed when I review the photos of the year past and see how little I really have to work with.

I guess even silly photos like this one are better than nothing. And I push on.

Monday, September 14, 2009


This is a common site now that Anastasia has an iTouch. She likes to keep up with her friends on Facebook, and Xander likes all the game applications.

Of course, not 20 minutes after this photos was taken, they got it taken away AGAIN. Xander for being possessive of something that isn’t even his, and Anastasia for hitting her brother.

Ah, the fun of it all.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Mom: “What was the favorite part of your party?”
Anastasia: “the swimming.”

OK, so maybe I walked into that one.

Renting the pool and two lifeguards for 2 hours was the easiest party we have ever hosted! Well, except maybe for the ferry boat party…

Anastasia enjoyed jumping off the diving board and hanging out with her brother and 16 friends this afternoon. And the vanilla cake with Bavarian cream filling and cream cheese frosting was pretty scrumptious!

Happy birthday part 2, Anastasia!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


And so starts soccer season.

Today was the jamboree, where most teams played two practice games. Xander is feeling under the weather with his first back-to-school crud, but he got out there and made contact with the ball.

He was disappointed to be purple this season, and even more disappointed to be named the Pumas. Sorry, dude, this is our lot through November!

Friday, September 11, 2009


The caption for this one could be “Fischer’s with vehicles in background”, I guess. We need some fresh ideas for family portrait settings!

Excited for the weekend-
… sleeping in, resting up; especially sniffling Xander.
… a teen birthday party that will hopefully go swimmingly well.
… seeing just how many little monkeys will show up for first week Sunday School.
… soccer kick-off.


“When you photograph people in color you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls!” ~Ted Grant

Thursday, September 10, 2009


When I picked Anastasia up from her tap class and asked her how her day has been, she shouted “possum”. That seems to be the new awesome.

It’s not the gifts, or finally being a teenager, or the cupcakes Dad brought to lunch, or the trip to Coldstone – the highlight was making 5 push-ups for the fitness test in PE!

Happy birthday sweetie!

“Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.” Fran Lebowitz

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


“Can I have more salad, Mom?” – Xander

Uh, YEAH! Words every mom wants to hear. Even if it is just so he can have more of his favorite salad dressing. Baby steps!

He may not like potatoes, but he is a pretty good eater compared to the ultra picky dark haired ones.

Happy 09.09.09!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Tonight when Bruce and I went for a walk, Sacajawea was wearing glasses! And I guess ALL kids, even the bronze variety, steal Bruce’s hats.

What a gorgeous evening after a long weekend of dreary weather!

“Sacagawea is one of the most well-known----and unknown----figures in United States history. No one is certain how to pronounce or spell her name.” - Unknown

Monday, September 7, 2009


I thought I might be blogging about how I never left the house today, but after dinner we ended up going to play tennis and drinks at Starbucks.

Bruce definitely carries the game with tennis. Hits most of the balls, keeps extra balls in his pocket to pull out when they go too far, teaches the kids scoring and the rules, referee (on rules and sibling bickering), and holds himself to a higher standard on the rules. I get tired just watching him!

“A man whom both the waters and the wind,

In that vast tennis-court, have made the ball
For them to play upon.”
-William Shakespeare

Sunday, September 6, 2009


The kids get the short end of the stick with Mom eating better and sacrificing to drop out of the “overweight” category for good. Yucky stuff for home meals, less eating out, hardly any dessert runs… poor deprived kids!

I’ve been doing great on calories this week, so I knew I’d have one big dessert this weekend. I’ve been craving a maple bar, but the kids really love and miss Dairy Queen, so that is where we headed.

The kids haven’t exactly been getting along this weekend, but they could fake it for a photo, once Mom threatened them with no more DQ!

460 - Calories in maple bar
200 - Calories in butterscotch Dilly Bar, my new treat of choice
1,851 - High calorie day this week (spaghetti is a killer!)

892 - Low calorie day this week (totally vegan day)

“The main thing in weight loss is calories in versus calories out.” Judith Stern

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Since I made a radical change to my diet, we seem to have no room in the fridge.

Prior, we could tell when grocery day was near, because the cupboards and fridge were bare. Now things seem to be bursting at the seams most of the time, and I’d really like a second freezer to stock up for winter.

The bottom drawers are full of fresh fruits and veggies that I hope I can eat myself before they go bad. The dairy drawer is being overrun by non-dairy items like marinated cucumbers and hummus. We’ve almost conquered our 32 pound watermelon.

Each day I touch at least five plastic containers – precut fruit for quick breakfast, prepped lettuce for lunch and dinner salads, fresh lunch, afternoon snack. The guys are sick of Tupperware in the sink, and I’m tired of lids that never fit!

And, this weekend, we have leftovers from the Guy Party, pizza and soda, taking up precious space.

“When you hunt animals, you may succeed or not. But when you open the fridge, you will succeed 100 percent of the time.” Nora Volkow

Friday, September 4, 2009


What’s louder than Bruce and six middle school boys? NOTHING!

Anastasia’s at a slumber party and I had nowhere pressing to go, so I stayed home for Bruce’s Risk party. Listened to loud 80’s music, various games, boys bantering, and junk food being consumed.

I did get stuff accomplished, so a good evening to kick off a long weekend for all…

“I am fond of children - except boys” Lewis Carroll

Thursday, September 3, 2009


- Watermelon slicer, blackberry gatherer, banana buyer
- PTO President (officially tonight)
- Slumber party carpool coordinator
- Wii Active semi-enthusiast

- Holister shirt police (yep, Xander tried to wear one again today!)

Alexander got his trombone rental today. Which led to Dad and Anastasia “jamming” for awhile. Both are a little rusty, but it’s fun to see and hear, especially since I am so musically challenged. I can’t even remember which instruments the kids play, much less read the music.

“Never look at the trombones. You'll only encourage them.” Richard Strauss

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Xander has been wearing a new soft Hollister polo each day this week.

“What are you going to do tomorrow when you run out of Hollister shirts.” –Mom

Confused look. Start discussion of how many new shirts he really got at Hollister. Mom knows, because even on sale they were over his clothes budget.

“I’ll start wearing them over again!” – Xander, after some reflection

And he will to, darn it! I was reading today about how most people have a short list of foods they like to eat over and over. Xander has a VERY short list of clothes he likes to wear over and over…

“But better die than live mechanically a life that is a repetition of repetitions.” D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Here she is…

… drama queen
… the reason our phone keeps ringing off the hook
… little miss heart breaker
… the creator of our clutter
… cutie pie, down to the coordinating colored pencils in her hair
... so close to officially becoming a teenager!

Happy September!