Monday, June 30, 2008


The joy of condiments.

Fun things come in small packages.

Sometimes I wonder what the mailman would think if he had any idea what was in the packages he carts around. Today I got my order from Bruce thinks I will just buy anything, but I have a method to my madness. I don't want to waste valuable cooler space on condiments and spend time worrying whether the mayo has been kept cold enough. I knew there had to be a place where I could buy the little packets restaurants and caterers use, and where there's a will, there's a way.

Yes, I am easily amused.

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”
Truman Capote

“Americans can eat garbage, provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper, or any other condiment which destroys the original flavor of the dish”
Henry Miller

“Condiments are like old friends-highly thought of, but often taken for granted.”
Marilyn Kaytor

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today was the last day of our Vacation Bible School.

All week there have been rumors that there would be a roller coaster at the all-church picnic today. We weren't sure what to think of this news, but knew that if anyone could pull that off, it would be our children's director, Lisa. She is over the top.

It wasn't an actual roller coaster, but it was quite the sight! It tied in to the adventure park theme of the week perfectly. The week reinforced that choosing Jesus is the ticket to the best ride of their lives.

Bruce had quite the ride today... he skinned his elbow racing a teen through the inflatable. Sometimes the biggest kids get the biggest owies.

"Choose this day whom you will serve." Joshua 24:15

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Bruce doesn't get credit for having the bathroom operational again (we were both sweating after getting it placed, so there is progress), but he does get kudos for building my raised bed and filling it with soil. I planted it this morning, after running to the farmers market and Lowe's for seeds, starts, and plants. I plan to have flowers in the red family (zinnias, poppies, and nasturtium) along the front row, and salad makings (lettuce, spinach, and peppers) taking up most of the space. I may have produce coming out my ears (also have zucchini in the back yard), but I'm going to plant every few weeks to try to space out the harvest. Or, it may just be a "learning season" while I figure out how to garden again.

I liked hits photo, with my shadow in the lower corner, even though you can't get perspective of Bruce's creation.

“With a few flowers in my garden, half a dozen pictures and some books, I live without envy.”
Lope de Vega quotes

“Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow -- perhaps it all will.”
Albert Einstein

“The earth laughs in flowers.”
E. E. Cummings

Friday, June 27, 2008


What's in your bathroom drawer?

Do you ever come home to find your bathroom counter and sink gone and your bathroom drawer out for all the world to see?

This is my reality.

I'm hoping that we will have a working sink again soon, but the starting and the finishing of projects seem to be the stumbling blocks, so we'll see...

“Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude toward your family.”
Bo Bennett

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had a different photo in mind for today, but things can change. Normally I can stay out of my secret candy stash during the week, but things change. The kids have not known the whereabouts of my private stash, but things change. Usually I curl my hair, but this week things have changed.

“Life is one of those precious fleeting gifts, and everything can change in a heartbeat.”

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Here she is, with her summer haircut and her sore toe.

Anastasia had to have minor surgery on her
toe to take care of an infected ingrown nail that has been bugging her for way too long. She's been spending a lot of time on the couch in front of the TV, we need her able to hike for our trip coming up. And I could not handle her straggly hair another moment. She's upset it is so short (too short for a pony tail), but only girls who take care of their hair get to make decisions about it.

Both of these unpleasant tasks needed to wait until after her ballet recital, but not very long.

"Tweens are at the place in life where they are beginning to assert their independence from Mom and Dad.” - Atoosa Rubenstein

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today found me in Cosmopolis, clearing out my office to make room for others to move into my space. Since I only use it once a month now.

I threw away my Attila the Hun hat, but I wanted to take a photo for posterity.

When I first became a manager, my boss loaned me a book called Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun, swearing by the wisdom on its pages.

Some of the tips include:

You must not be threatened by capable contemporaries or subordinates. Be wise in selecting capable captains to achieve those things a chieftain can attain only through strong subordinates.

Huns should focus on opportunities, not problems.

Some Huns have solutions for which there are no problems.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I was halfway to work today before I realized that I had totally forgotten to put on any make-up.

Not sure if it was because I didn't do while I was camping and got our of the habit, or if it was because I was in an absolute fog this morning. I woke up, but struggled to get through my morning routine.

Add that to a flat hair day, and I spent the day trying to avoid mirrors.

But I did remember to pack my lunch for a change!

Happy Monday...

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Here are most of us before we broke camp. Minus one family who didn't stay for our worship service. None of the Fischer's are together, so good luck finding us all!

Note the dogs, too, and these aren't even all the dogs running around in our group.

Thanks to Lynette for her camp recipe to marinade slices of flank steak in teriyaki sauce. That was a huge hit! And thanks to my mom for toasting Pop Tarts on the camp fire growing up, it was a real conversation piece this morning as I reenacted it.

“The primary joy of life is acceptance, approval, the sense of appreciation and companionship of our human comrades. Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food, and so they go through life accepting many substitutes for genuine, warm, simple.”
Joshua Loth Liebman

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Doing a quick stop at home for Anastasia to wash all of the goop and hairspray out of her hair, then back to camp…

Here are the kids waking up this morning in our yurt. We even have an electrical outlet to plug in a curling iron and the coffee pot to warm up water for cocoa. One non-camping equipped family is doing their cooking on a George Forman grill. This is as “roughing it” as I get.

We are being blessed with amazing weather- plenty warm but not broiling. We are having a lot of fun. The big gang of boys are playing in a big sand pit and making driftwood forts, the adults are hanging around relaxing and chatting, and we had a big s’more fest last night.

Friday, June 20, 2008


We are double booked this weekend. Anastasia has ballet recitals at 7pm tonight and 2pm tomorrow, and we also have a church camping trip. Luckily the campground is only about 47 minutes out of town, so we can get our dancer where she needs to be.

So this evening Xander and I head to
Skamokawa to set up our yurt and hang out with friends, while Bruce takes Anastasia to her recital.

Since I didn’t make myself clear enough, yesterday’s “huh?” can be translated as “heck no, we’re not buying a coffee house!” Cheers!

Thursday, June 19, 2008


My turn to go "huh?".

Bruce met me at the door tonight with "Want to go out to coffee tonight? We can check out a new coffee place. And if we like it, it's for sale for $125K."


So here, he is, hanging at the new place. With his new shoes that I actually like. And a facial expression that may scream "pissed off" to some, but I recognize it as contemplatative. Or maybe a little peeved that I beat him at a game of Connect Four while we waited for the barista.

“Half-caf, double-tall, non fat, whole-milk foam, bone-dry, half-pump mocha, half sugar in the raw, double cup, no lid, capp - to go." - Linda Evangelista ordering her favorite Starbuck's coffee

“Grande Hazenut mocha, non fat, no whip." - Michele ordering her favorite coffee

“Yeah, I'll have one of those too." - Bruce, too lazy to order his own drink, then complaining that there is no whip

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I had a lot of photos to choose from today, and this is my pick. Just to make Bruce go "huh?" No, I think it is kinda cool. One of those photos I would never take if it were not for the blog.

Now that Anastasia is in middle school youth group, both Bruce and her are heading out for activities. Tonight was another "mother son" evening.

After telling him he needed to find something to do other than TV or computer, he asked if I wanted to walk to the lake. I have a million things to do, but it is time well spent. He's fun to hang out with. As long as I don't take him shopping.

He brought along this RC vehicle.
Boys and their toys.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


When I drive through Astoria on my monthly trek to Seaside, I often want to take a photo of an old Victorian house for the blog. Just because they are so cool. The Victorian houses are the favorite homes in my ceramic Christmas village. I love San Francisco with the squashed together Victorian feel houses.

Today I actually got off the highway and drove around the neighborhoods until I found a worthy house. I felt odd. How would you feel if you saw someone drive up, snap a photo of your house, and drive away? It would creep me out. But I was determined.

I reached in my purse.... and my camera wasn't there! it was still beside my computer form last nights upload. D'oh!

So my house will have to do instead.

“Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man.”
Sam Walter Foss

Monday, June 16, 2008


Soaking up the sun.
Escaping from the kids.
Moving our bones.
Letting dinner settle.
Appreciate our surroundings.
Playing with the gorilla pod.

All these captions apply.

Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Happy Father's Day to the dads I hung out with today (brother in law, father in law, and hubby), and to all the dads out there.

Full day, too pooped to pontificate...

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I did a little bit of yard work today. OK, I obliterated a bush.

Xander said I demolished it.

Bruce said “oh goody” when I told him I had no idea what to do with all the debris, so it’s piled up in the middle of the lawn.

He and Anastasia were in Portland today for youth group, so Xander and I hung out at home. He was playing with the hose on the trampoline, so I started reclaiming the grass that the huge bush has taken over. The branches are amazingly dense, it's a fun puzzle to figure out how to prune it.

The fleshy part of my palm under my thumb is very tender this evening from using the clippers for hours. But it feels great to be making progress.

“If you can't see through your plant somewhat, then you haven't done enough pruning.”
Tommy Futral

Friday, June 13, 2008


I paint alone, but I still paint.

Tonight was church Ladies Night at the ceramic studio. But I was the only lady there for three quarters of the time.

The quiet time to decompress after another long hard work week was nice, and when Tyra arrived we closed down the shop and walked over to Starbucks.

This is a project is from my last trip. I enjoy the painting process and the anticipation of seeing how it will turn out, I rarely have anything in mind for the finished work of art. This one has a mocha wash to get that antique feel. Gotta love the coffee, no matter what form it comes in!

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can”
Danny Kaye

Thursday, June 12, 2008


An outdoor photo to celebrate better weather that has FINALLY come our direction.

Two friends here for a sleepover tonight to celebrate the last day of school.

No World of Warcraft for Xander today; instead it is a game of trying to jump over the soccer ball...

“Ambition and fleas both jump high.”
German Proverb

“To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can.”
Sydney Smith

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Mom: Who are you playing?
Xander: Puddleglum. I twinked him. That means he has really good armor. I used dad's money.
Mom: What type is he?
Xander: A human priest.
Mom: What's cool about a priest?
Xander: They can heal AND do a lot of damage, and they are pretty easy to play.

He goes in cycles, but he's on another World of Warcraft binge. Which means I can't get on my computer when I want to without kicking him off. I kick him off my computer and he moves to Bruce's. If the weather ever turns, we'll drop kick him outdoors and he'll be out of the cycle again...

“I don't think there are four million people in the world who really want to play online games every month. World of Warcraft is such an exception. I frankly think it's the buzz factor, and eventually it will come back to the mean, maybe a million subscribers.”
Michael Pachter

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


You're staring at our future. Or she's staring at us, I guess.

Today was Anastasia's 5th grade graduation ceremony, as she moves up to middle school next year. She was goofing off, but this is how she's feeling about a new school.

All 52 Olympic Elementary graduates received a visor and a chance to pile on the bus and go bowling. Class of 2015. Wow, that makes me feel old! I bet it makes some feel just ancient... :) Congratulations, honey, no matter how old you make us feel!

“I don't think anybody anywhere can talk about the future of their people or of an organization without talking about education. Whoever controls the education of our children controls our future.”
Wilma Mankiller

“The brain grows in spurts and that during the middle school years, the brain stops growing -- plateaus -- and so kids couldn't really learn much during this period.”
Mike Riley

Monday, June 9, 2008


This morning on CNN they were talking about the scorching heat across the US, then they said "if you want to be cool, head to the Pacific Northwest, they are facing record lows and snow in the Cascades." Somehow I don't feel very blessed. When I came home from work, I thought the wind might just whip the door right off my car.

I was trying to capture the wind whipping the trees and the rainfall from the porch when Bruce said "you get out there, it will be a better picture." I resembled a drowned rat in no time, but I'm not sure I have any photographic rewards.

I still am not convinced that global warming is any more than hysteria. " - Paul Kelley

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Alexander was at a friends house this weekend from Saturday midmorning to Sunday afternoon, so it was just the three of us.

And it was quiet. And I could get use of the TV and computer when I wanted it. It's much easier to agree on a restaurant to dine at.

The kids don't fight as much as other siblings, but it's amazing how you notice the absence of squabbling. With two kids underfoot, one always seems to be unhappy. On the other hand, we put plans on hold because our family wasn't complete, like going to see the Narnia movie.

And so ends a very relaxing and productive weekend. Pushing the pause button on life only lasts so long.

“Anytime you put a family of four together, you get interesting dynamics. It's a pretty humorous and explosive mix.”
Bertram van Munster

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Have you ever gotten a phone call that completely changed the course of your day?

Today was the birthday party that wasn't. We were just heading out for Xander's last soccer game and a trip up north for Molly's 2nd birthday party when we got a call that Molly is a sick puppy and the party's cancelled.

So Xander went to visit a friend and the rest of us headed to Portland for some tax-free shopping for summer clothes for our upcoming vacation. Anastasia and I go in the dressing room; everything fits her, nothing fits me. And Bruce patiently waits outside. He found another fedora hat, though, so it is not a wasted trip. I think I like this one the best of all of his many hats. And I decided to try the chocolate flavored Skittles. Just for fun. The chocolate pudding and brownie ones taste like Tootsie Rolls, the vanilla ones are yummy.

Get better, Molly, these pink cowboy boots will be waiting for you!

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” - Robert Burns
Better known as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry"

Friday, June 6, 2008


I guess I see the world through rose colored glasses on Fridays. I thought we could have a fun Fischer family evening together tonight.

Silly me.

I can't even trace back exactly where it went wrong, but it's ending with all four of us very frustrated.

Tonight was the school carnival. Maybe that was my first mistake, I know better than to look forward to the school carnival. But usually I'm the only one dreading it. The kids were disappointed that the weather moved it indoors and that they took away the best part, the jail.

But we did have some laughs. The kids quickly discovered that they could use one ticket to play the fish pond and rack up ten prize tickets redeemable for candy and other junk. As Anastasia rakes in the tickets, Alexander's pockets are already bulging with his 20+ strawberry drool flavored Sour Patch Chewy Candy Tongues. Ah, to be ten again!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Following the body part theme I have going, tonight is dedicated to my butt. Just kidding!

I don't see myself from the back very often. I'm always surprised to see how my hair looks in the back, it's not like the front at all. And I don't wear Levi's very often, I don't think they are as flattering as other brands on me. And I don't own many sweatshirts. With hoodies being so popular, and realizing that I had limited casual clothes to wear to family camp, I bought this sweatshirt at Old Navy. I would have loved to get the one that said
Long Beach on the back, since I grew up there, but it was a funny blue green color. I can see why the teens and some adults in my life wear hoodies so often, I was warm and comfortable all day!

“I'd like to change my butt. It hangs a little too long. God forbid what it will look like when I'm older. It will probably be dragging along on the ground behind me.”
Teri Hatcher

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Here's my pudgy feet that I loathe. The decals make me smile, but I don't like anything else about them. They hardly ever see the light of day, since they are ugly and always cold and super sensitive. No cute sandals for me. And they keep me from wearing cute clothes, dresses, or capri's because of their extra wideness. Poor me!

But it's not all bad. My feet are on the wii balance board, and they are getting a wee bit better at step aerobics. Today was my first two week goal check in with my "trainer", and I'm showing progress!

“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”
Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Home, home on the range. Where the buffaloes roam... to my dinner plate, that is.

I noticed in the Sunday paper that it is buffalo season at Fred Meyer, so I asked Bruce to pick some up. Tacos with ground buffalo last night, buffalo steaks tonight (with brown and wild rice and a green salad with golden raisins and poppyseed dressing). Yum!

I think I started eating buffalo on our last trip through the Grand Tetons in the early 90's, there is a buffalo ranch in Porter (they bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of buffalo for the tours), and I watch for Fred Meyer's annual buffalo bonanza.

"Today buffalo meat, shunned no longer, has achieved an enviable position: simultaneous praise from chefs, nutritionists and environmentalists." - Marion Burros

Monday, June 2, 2008


Sometimes Mondays are good. A fresh start. Another chance to eat right, to get things done at work, to regroup.

I am having a good hair week too. Yet when Xander saw my self portraits, he said "bad hair day, huh?", so I guess it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Can't see my hair, but can you see my peace? Please, Lord, let it last!

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
St. Francis de Sales

Sunday, June 1, 2008


What's in your garden?

I'm trying to spend more time in the yard. After four years of almost total neglect, it is a daunting task, but we are slowly getting vegetation trimmed back. Today we made trips to Home Depot and Lowe's to scope out pots, plants, and material for a raised bed. I also spent time in the yard trimming back bushes and deadheading. I tried out the electric hedge trimmer our landscaper neighbor gave me when he saw me trimming with my small shearers. There was a scrub jay keeping me company, but as soon as I went inside to get my camera, he disappears. It's not very comfortable to garden with a camera around your neck!

Does anyone recognize these plants? I'm trying to identify them. The flowers look similar, but the leaves don't. The pink is a small bush, the white is trying hard to take over the entire yard.