Friday, October 31, 2014


Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Carved the behemoth pumpkin into a Frankenstein just in time for Halloween...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I've been packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child since the kids were toddlers.  Some years a few boxes, some years a dozen or more.  As the kids got older they helped pick out items.  We have many memories of shopping and packing with friends through the years.

Today I took a vacation day to organize the items I've been squirreling away all year; enough stuff to mostly fill 21 boxes.  Shopping, organizing, and blessing others.. what a great day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Not one, both BOTH of the kids were chosen as athletes of the week this week!  Here they are sporting their T-shirt prizes.  Cool kids!

Monday, October 27, 2014


It's dark so early now, so we just walk in the dark.  If it's not raining.  Lots of fun Halloween decorations to look at.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


A cold wet day.
Bruce and Anastasia return home.
Watched last two episodes of Breaking Bad.
Lazy Sunday.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Busy busy day, but only took one photo right at the start.

Had to rush to pick up our last CSA share of the season, this is their booth at the farmers market. 

Then to decorate for the church harvest party, then to head to the Bean to get some things squared away for the service I wouldn't be at, then to the harvest party to monitor the hoola hoop toss for three hours.  Kids can be so funny, the lengths they will go through for a piece of candy.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Look who played tennis in districts today!
Look who is home alone with Mom all weekend!
Look who has been watching back-to-back episodes of Scrubs for hours!

Did we finally make it to Friday?!?

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today started out like a normal day.

But at lunchtime a tornado touched down in Longview.  I was at a business lunch, Bruce was at the Electric Bean, we both saw it.  Bruce used his GoPro to get video, which made it to the local news.  Pretty soon the phone was ringing and his face was on the local news too.

Glad nobody was hurt, it was pretty crazy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Food seems to be a bit contentious in our house.

The kids just want to eat junk.
I just want to use the CSA veggies before they get too old.
Bruce just wants people to stop complaining.

Meanwhile, cereal and milk is disappearing at an alarming rate...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The year of lasts continues.

In Anastasia's last swim event that I will attend, she was in the closest lane, which was a real treat since she is normally in the farthest.

I won't miss the crowded and muggy pool.  Or paying $5 a person to watch her swim.  Or her coach's shrill whistle.  But there is something bittersweet about attending my last swim meet.

Monday, October 20, 2014


There was a point at about 9am this morning when all 4 of us were at home.  That doesn't seem to happen much anymore.  Ironic that the kids have more downtime during the day than in the evenings.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


It's the same color as our house, but its not our house.  A fellow BiggerPockets real estate investor was visiting from Vancouver this afternoon.  We drove around showing him the neighborhoods and peeking in the windows of vacant properties.  I love house hunting.  It almost makes me want to get back in the game!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


We went on a walk in search of fall foliage today with Bruce Sr and Amethyst.  Here's my best shot.

Busy day, but enjoying the fall sights and balmy weather.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Went into work late today, watched Xander's 8am match for sub-districts today.

The indoor courts get so crowded, but it is fun to hear the chatter, like Xander's teammates guessing whether he will win, discussions about his glove, and critiques of the plays by all.

Xander won two of his three games today, he plays until he's eliminated or wins tomorrow.

Look for the ball, do you see it?

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Bruce calls this my bobblehead shot.  I had him take a bunch of portraits of me because I need one for work.  This isn't good for work, but I like it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The house seems eerily quiet...
... no extra toiletries in the bathroom.
... no air mattress in the bedroom.
... friends that just visit for a bit.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Malaury is leaving us early to spend a few days with the girl who will be staying with her in France next spring, so we got our photos taking and exchanging in tonight.  Bon Voyage!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Back to the courts for the last week of the tennis season.  Rain held off, got to play outdoors with plenty of wind.  I get some funny photos of Xander playing; here's today's favorite.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Anastasia took Malaury and the gang to Seaside today, so the there of us went geocaching for a bit.  As an excuse to play with his Go Pro.  Click here to see the video.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Yesterday no photos, today lots of photos.  We escorted a gaggle of girls to Beaver Creek falls today.  Happy Birthday Bruce (sporting his new go pro camera!)!


Terrible photo - I forgot to take one at the theater.  We went and saw the remake of the Left Behind movie, to my enjoyment and Bruce's torture.  Love that series!  And love Fridays!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Our short term foreign exchange student visitor arrives tonight!  Anastasia made a sign with her name to take to the airport.  Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Sleep is way more important to me than watching a blood moon.  But the moon is pretty bright at 8pm, so here ya go.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Xander agreed to pose with the pumpkin tonight, but he wanted to make goofy faces.  So here's Xander, with goofy face and pumpkin and scooter in the background.

Monday, October 6, 2014


It's hard to see the scale int his photo, but a huge pumpkin has found a home on our porch.  Debbie planted summer squash seeds this spring, and suddenly she had very large pumpkins growing instead.  She brought two to work today to share with Donna and I and we manhandled them from car to car.  Not sure whether to carve it or paint it.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I started a project in August to get all of our bulk food items in nice containers and labelled.   I didn't devote time to it in September, but today I finally got back to it.  Bought chalkboard labels on etsy and containers straight from a supplier when mason jars didn't work out. The items that we consistently use for cooking, baking, and as salad toppings now have a home and we won't have to guess what they are by the bulk foods SKU number.  Small victories!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Next weekend for Bruce's birthday we will have an exchange student staying with us and we'll be running around, so we carved out about 90 minutes of family time this evening to eat Thai takeout and watch the classic movie Trading Places.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Swim, tennis, tennis, and now back to swim.  Except not at the pool.  The swim team landed in our living room for dinner and a movie.  TGIF!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Guess where I was after work again today?!?!?  Another funny shot, Xander's feet aren't on the ground!  More sunshine...


Wow, what kind of thigh muscles does this pose build?  From work to the tennis courts tot he couch this day... nice to soak up some sunshine and watch Xander's moves.