Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Tonight we found ourselves at the Write Stuff Awards Event and poetry reading.

Anastasia won third place for best news story with her “Standardized test time bears down on students” article.

Congrats to our young writer!

Monday, May 30, 2011


A day to remember those who have “laid down their burdens”. Never forget to never forget.

Last trip to Dairy Queen to get the Blizzard of the Month. We ordered 5 German Choc Brownie Blizzards!

Two different trips to the Carolina St duplex to remove sod. Unearthed a ton of earth worms.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Mom has felt punky for this leg of her trip, so we had a veg day today. We watched two Netflix movies back to back.

Then we had a surprise visit from “Aunt” Christy and Mysty the husky, on her way up I-5 to visit friends.

Nice day of visiting and R&R.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


We don’t have a lot of holiday weekend plans, but one thing we really wanted to do was get Xander to the Humane Society to volunteer for the first time.

They have people to do the chores related to hosting the animals, they want their volunteers to focus on socializing the animals. Play with them, walk them, love on them. We wanted to pick two dogs in the same pen, but they had few enough dogs to each have their own pen. So we decided to both handle the same dog.

This guy doesn’t have a name, but one of the workers calls him Dimples. He started off sweet and goofy, if a bit distant, but later showed a mean streak and we put him away earlier than we planned. Guess we’ll have to anticipate that they are misfits.

Xander wasn't begging to bring this one home, but he is ready to go try again soon…

Friday, May 27, 2011


We joked at work today about going home after getting back seven out of office messages. I’m sure I hit that. Quiet day, but not as quiet as I would expect for the Friday before a long weekend.

Dinner prep was a bit rocky, but the Tex Mex salad was popular, especially with Xander, who started before we prayed and didn’t stop until I took it away.

Happy long weekend!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I usually try to avoid discussing politics. I know that most people in my life are Democrats. I also know that I’m a Republican, but I can’t always articulate why.

The poll at
http://people-press.org/typology/quiz/ was fun and intriguing.

I don’t own a gun, enjoy NASCAR, or live in the South or Midwest. But I am white, a homeowner, have enough money to lead the life I want, and religion is a very important part of my life. I don’t get worked up about abortion, same sex marriage, environmental policy, or immigration. I do think less government is better, that our current military policy does more harm than good, and that hard work pays off.

"The term 'serious actor' is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Like 'Republican party' or 'airplane food.'" - Johnny Depp

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


One of the few things I like about Monticello Middle School is the BOB program. BOB stands for Battle of the books. Kids form teams, read an assigned list of books, and compete with each other to place obscure questions to the correct book & author.

Both kids have participated each year. Today was Anastasia’s teams’ last BOB battle. They lost, making this the third year in a row where Anastasia’s team has claimed second place.

She still earns the reward of going to OMSI for the day, of lasting longer than her brothers teams, and of reading some great books, but will have to set her first place sights on some other endeavor.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So tired. Xander was up in the night with sore legs. Growing pains? Cramps? Not sure, but sure I need more sleep.

Love the weather, couldn’t be more comfortable outside.

Things are moving in the rental part of our lives, even if we don’t yet have keys. Collected more rent, bought another fridge. And tonight we matched exterior paint colors. And wondered at what to do with the overgrown yard.

Just another muddled day in paradise.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I’ll miss seeing this little critter when the calendar flips to June. As it will soon.

Dates and activities are swirling round in my head as we head into summer. After too much waiting for things to happen, everything seems to be gaining momentum.

Our summer mission trip and other summer activities.
Mom & Jerry’s Memorial Day visit.
Three new tenants to find and move in.
Still waiting for keys to start working on the latest duplex, but getting poised.
I’d love to volunteer for some Highlands neighborhood events, but feeling like my plate is pretty full.

Calgon, take me away!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Ran the lake in the rain, taught only two pupils in Sunday School, tried to take a nap, planted squash in the sunshine, and kept chipping away at my to do list.

Wrapped up the weekend with a Taize service this evening. Love the candles, the music, the repetition, and the quietness.

And dessert at Dairy Queen afterwards was awesome too. I love the May German Chocolate Brownie Blizzard flavor of the month.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


The guys are in Leavenworth this weekend, so it’s just us girls.

We attended the women’s luncheon with a great gardening demonstration and a growing in God theme (pray, read, obey, trust, etc).

We discussed politics following an on-line survey the guys found at their conference. Specifically, we wrestled with the death penalty, bin Laden's death, and role of the military.

We shopped our way through the two story Target. Anastasia bought a pair of shorts I tried on; they looked much cuter on her, as does probably everything.

We used an expiring coupon at a Portland eatery. Coffee and pasta were fantastic, service was awful.

And now, we rest.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This photo is perfect. It is my friend Debbie taking a photo of my Israeli couscous and friend Julie’s potato lentil apple salad, with friend Donna’s plantain dish in the foreground.

Tonight was another vegetarian/vegan potluck at Payton’s. This event is the highlight of my dining out experience in Longview. Tonight we even had a raw food demonstration- walnuts and figs pulverized to a cinnamon roll, with a vegan chocolate topping.

Raw. Vegan. Uncooked. Alive.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


My 30 minute lake walk turned into almost an hour tonight. I decided to walk through the Japanese garden and to try to photograph a nutria who was intent on swimming in circles and chewing on vegetation. Everyone is soaking up the long overdue sunshine.

The relaxing walk was juxtaposed against the audio book in my ear – Lee Iacocca in a lather about political issues I have not spent much time pondering. I thought a title of Where have all the Leaders Gone related to the business world, but I guess it equally applies to capital hill.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tonight was the annual mission dinner at church. The Harambee mission team got our t-shirts, got our construction project assignments, met long distance Jerry & Vicki team members, and spent another evening together.

We also raised over $750 with the dessert auction. My black forest cake stayed in one piece and brought in almost $50 (Jerry was the successful bidder). Xander ate two slices of other creations for $5 each. Yum!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tonight the church softball team had their first game.

Xander has been teasing dad that they are going into a game with no practice.

At least they have plenty of players; the opposing team took a forfeit due to lack of players and Bruce ended up playing on their team.

I didn’t last long as a spectator, but it was fun watching Xander play catch with Caleb.

Monday, May 16, 2011


At work we do potlucks for birthdays.

Sometimes I bring hummus and veggies to counter balance all the sugar. Sometimes I try out a new recipe. Or bake a loaf of bread. Or am travelling and ignore it altogether.

Today worked out perfectly as a practice run for the fancy dessert I need to make for the church dessert auction Wednesday. I have not made black forest cake since we lived in our tiny Seattle apartment.

The presentation needs a little work (that’s why I knew I needed practice!), but it sure tasted divine! Guess if the next one falls too I could always call it black forest avalanche!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


When I was in Seattle yesterday, there was good news and bad new happening on the home front.

Good news: Bruce painted the kitchen, and I like it. The walls are now a combination of the old blue, a yellow, and a light gray. Just some touch up and a new fridge to complete the kitchen remodel.

Bad news: more tenant drama. Seems like every month is another tenant in crisis. More fodder for my book, I guess, as we wait to see ho this situation plays out. The good news is that demand is high for our units; the rub is how to legally get the deadbeat tenant in compliance or out as fast as possible.

Breakfast for dinner tonight…yum!

“Bad news goes about in clogs, Good news in stockinged feet.” –Welsh Proverb


This is out of focus, but it’s the best photo I took. I felt very conspicuous taking photos, so my flash was off and my setting were obviously off too…

I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to hear the work feisty without thinking of Aunt Lois. Today we celebrated her life and her triumphant entry into heaven with a service, family time, and enough food to feed an army.

I knew that Aunt Lois was partial to the color blue and that she made beautiful cakes (including our wedding cake). I learned more about her missionary work in the Philippines. And found out that her children built her casket and urn this past week.

“For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” -Psalm 48:14


Seattle traffic is a bear.

In the morning I didn’t have any troubles- headed right to the parking garage even thought he GPS was determined to take me a different way.

In the afternoon it was an entirely different story. More cars, more confusion, more near misses. Felt like a tourist clicking away at the red lights, but love being so close to Seattle’s icon.

My financial conference was great – networking with Weyerhaeuser folks, lunch with a UW staffer, great speakers from the FASB, SEC, and many local companies – Amazon, Nordstrom, Alaska Airlines, Boeing, etc.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


When I got home today Bruce was repainting the back deck.

The first color, supposedly a light green, looked like a bad baby diaper. The new color is a nice blue.

Xander picked up the slack by making dinner. He gets extra credit in Home Ec class. He sliced and browned the polska, sliced the carrots and onion, learned how to open a can of white beans, and learned about herbs with the licorice-smelling terragon.

Thumbs up to both guys!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The contractors came back to work on our kitchen again today. Which means no cooking at home. I decided to try the Veggie Burger at Burger King. 410 unremarkable calories.

“Can I get 20 chicken tenders, Mom? It’s only $4.99” –Xander

$7.07 Xander’s chicken tenders, fries, and water
$5.79 Anastasia’s chicken fries, potato fries, and drink
$6.59 Bruce’s A-1 burger, fries and drink
$2.59 Michele’s veggie burger and water

Tired of most of our dine out options…

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I think today was the nicest weather day we’ve had this year. Bruce took the kids to play tennis after dinner. I sat on the porch and read my book for a few minutes. My book club is struggling with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I’m sure enjoying it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Some days sure don’t go as planned! I was expecting a productive work day and to leave early to see Anastasia’s track meet. Mondays are my most productive work day. I’ve saved all my yucky tasks for the new week and I attack them with gusto. I have a meeting that conflicts with Wednesday’s track meet, so today is the day.

What I got instead was a derailed workday that never got productive, an allergy shot clinic stop that took way too long, no track meet or blog photo, a not so stylish hair day, and a slight headache. Oh, well, at least I still have a good book to curl up with. And Anastasia placed second in the 1600 meter!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Normally we meet at Sizzler for dinner on Mothers Day and take photos against the white brick wall.

This year we met at El Sarape instead, which offered more interesting and more colorful backgrounds. We entertained the diners watching us through the front windows and the staff taking smoke breaks in the back.

As usual, Molly and Anastasia were paired up. Also as usual, there were so many cameras that nobody knew where to look.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


This morning was a bunch of running around, but it was still a relaxing day.

Xander and I attended the orientation at the Humane Society so that we can start volunteering to help socialize the dogs.

Then I went to a Ladies Day Out fundraiser. There were a bunch of activity offerings and you could pick and choose what you wanted to do. It was a great way to be low key- let someone else paint my nails an unusual color, enjoyed a mocha and cupcake, and got introduced to extreme couponing.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Sleeping in.
Waking up feeling much better.
Busy day wrapping up the week at work.
Meet up with Tyra and Jeremiah for a night out.
Dinner at Ping’s in Old Town. New foods - Asian Fusion, passionfruit drinking vinegar, and salty ice cream. Nothing remotely vegan.
Standing room only for comedian Demetri Martin’s chat and book signing at Powell’s.
Scouring the Portland nightlife for Dramamine and other supplies to get a sick Jeremiah home without throwing up in our car.
A memorable evening for sure.


Good night world. Down for the count again. Was sick most of March, felt fantastic for April, and now sick again so soon. I’m guessing a mid May 5K is out of the picture.

You know you don’t feel good when everything on your to-do list seems really unimportant. I remembered my blog as I was drifting off into a NyQuil induced slumber. I almost let it go, but decided to grab the camera and take a few shots of my nightstand. Tissue, water, and a book – I’m set.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Day 3. Now we have a sink (that actually works!) and a backsplash. Still lots to do, but a functioning kitchen again for tomorrow at least.

Tonight was running around. The kids had student led conferences at school then I rushed to a community gardening class.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It’s 9pm.

It’s not yet operational, but there’s a sink now!

I think the contractors would call this a rotten no good day. And my day was like that to a certain extent. But things could be much worse.

I can wash dishes in the tub and scrounge for food another day if need be.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I’ve learned that life is less frustrating if I don’t watch Bruce cook. The same goes for contractors tearing out our kitchen. I get uptight really fast.

Here’s where a sink belongs.

I hope this doesn’t cost a zillion dollars. I hope we aren’t without a functioning kitchen for days on end. I hope I can live with the end results. Pretty disappointed with the progress today.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I had a different photo picked out for the blog, but my instructor says to be sure to document everyday life. Normally we go to out to dessert on Sunday nights. Coldstone has been creeping in more, but DQ is a big tradition. Both kids almost always get chocolate chip cookie dough Blizzards

Xander was downgraded to a mini size for egging on his sister and choosing laziness. This too seems to be a slice of everyday life. The sun, which allowed us to eat outdoors and provided good lighting, however, is a bit of a rare gift in the Pacific Northwest.