Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I rarely stay up to celebrate new years, but this year I did.  If I pump my system full of enough coffee, I can even be awake without being grumpy.  Happy 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013


Look who got new glasses today.  No comment about the weirdo in the background. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013


I went on two photo quests today.  This afternoon I walked downtown to get a photo of the vintage clock on Commerce for the “Take Your Time” photo prompt.  And this morning Bruce was kind enough to drive me out o Willow Grove in search of a fallow field to signify my 2014 focus word.  While there we saw these adorable little cows.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


I took photos when we played tennis today, but didn't get any good ones.  My other photos taken today was a lake walk working on a "breath of fresh air" photo prompt.  This one didn't get uploaded to the bigpicturescrapbooking gallery, but I did like it.  And I like putting in my ear buds, listening to real estate podcasts, and looking at the world form different perspectives.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Part of Anastasia's Christmas gift is to repaint her room.  We painted it bright pink and purple when we moved in, to our realtors chagrin.  Before we can paint, though, we need to decide on new colors.  We've played with yellows, purples, greens, and will probably go with blues.  The color swatch from Miller Paint was a nice frequent customer bonus...

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Hi, ho, a-shopping I will go.  One of my favorite Christmas traditions is shopping on the 26th.  I search the 50% off Christmas sales looking for gifts (work, family, and charity), wrapping supplies (paper, baskets, tags, ribbon), and Christmas cards for next year.  And this year, for some clothes to round out my wardrobe, and a cookbook to broaden our menu options.

Obviously, it was a bountiful day.  Target at 7 am was priceless, wish I felt comfortable photographing it.


I captured a nice shot of the two girls in purple, Molly and Anastasia.  It’s amazing how a day can be so calm yet crazy, relaxing yet tiring, suspenseful yet over so soon, all rolled up into one.


We spent Christmas Eve in Portland as a family.  We opened one gift early, dropped in at Lloyd’s Center to watch the last minute shopping, we attended Christmas Eve service at Mars Hill, explored and had dinner at the Kennedy School, and aborted a trip to see the lights at the raceway (too many people).

Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright…

Monday, December 23, 2013


Not sure whether to say we're winding down or winding up for Christmas day.  In some ways energy levels are really high, but then they just as quickly peter out.

Tonight I took a tin of homemade cookies to the HNA party, then our family grabbed drinks at the Electric Bean and drove to Castle Rock to see a lit up house pulsating to music.  Pretty cool how Santa under the eaves sang for the guy parts.

Merry almost Christmas...

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Struggling to get things done this quiet Sunday.  I did get six photos uploaded to the gallery for my photo class, though, including the results of a late afternoon lake walk.  Also got the last gifts wrapped this morning, so officially ready for Christmas!


Cookie baking day!

This year’s varieties:
Luscious lemon cookies
Chocolate chip cookies
Double chocolate cookies with peppermint kisses
Peanut butter cookies with Choc Kisses
Sugar cookies with Peppermint or Choc kisses
Chocolate dipped pistachio cherry cookies
Magic Cookie bars
Dorothy balls
Grama Cookies (fruitcake in cookie form)
Pecan cookie bars
Scotcharoos (rice krispy treats)
Waffle turtles with vanilla frosting

It’s a lot of cookies, but it was a slower pace this year and was a fun day of family together time.


I took a bunch of photos of various decorations at the Fischer’s for my photography class Friday night.  I liked the simplicity of this one; resting up after a long car ride north, and no Christmas decoration in sight.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Tonight we went caroling for adopt-a-block.  The kids love to bang on the doors and look adorable, the residents enjoy our spirit, and we had lots of lovely voices tonight.

Of the 25 houses on our adopted block:
11 were sung a carol
  3 answered the door, but didn't want a song
  5 didn't answer
  6 are empty houses

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


We are the proud owners of a Christmas pig, thanks to a Christmas decoration exchange at small group tonight.  Evidently it is an office decoration.  I think I see a holiday Relay for Life office fundraiser in our future, moving the pig around...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I put my hardhat sticker on my name block today.

Bruce found a blog post from my 15 year service award, five years ago.  It mentioned having a bad work year.

Maybe it's an every five year thing, because I was in the office at 7pm tonight, a far cry from the massive time off I had planned for December.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Xander thought we should all stare straight ahead and not smile for tonight's impromptu photo shoot.  Easier said than done.  At least one person started cracking up as soon as the camera timer clicked, and sometimes multiple people.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Xander wants to drive.  Bruce is selective about when he says yes, but today he got to drive to lunch and back, to play tennis and back, and home from the Christmas musical.  Anastasia and I are back seat drivers, mostly announcing speed issues.  Xander finds us all annoying.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Xander and I faced a few crazy hours manning the craft table at the Weyerhaeuser Christmas party this morning, but no photos were taken.

I did two different photo shoots for Picture the Holidays prompts, but not crazy about either one of the results.  The quest continues, but here is a runner up for a "tiny delight".

Friday, December 13, 2013


I was honored this week with my 20 year service award.  20 years at Weyerhaeuser; that has sure flown by!  I got a 20 year hardhat sticker, a card signed by my peers (with serveral comments about 20 more years), and a telescope for Bruce to assemble.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do… Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Before heading to Vancouver for a few days, I took another early morning photo walk.  The sky was pink, and changing quickly as the sun came up.  A wonderful change from the colorless sky we've had.

"The sky is the daily bread of the eyes." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Not sure what happened to photos of my family for the Christmas season.  Guess we're all going our own directions.  My photo prompt for today was Minimalist, and someone might get offended if I use them for that anyway.

I knew I wanted to capture the rose hips, but don't have much daylight to work with on work days.  Went out before work, but the sky was dreadful.  The news called it frozen fog.  Tried again after work and still didn't get much with the sky as the background.  So included more branches and the garage as a backdrop instead. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Got up this morning, turned on the tree lights.
Checked the school closures, cancelled my dentist appointment, e-mailed work that I'd be taking a vacation/sick day, had breakfast, then crawled back in bed.
Quiet lazy day.  Bliss.

I'm not a big fan of this photo, but it is getting rave reviews in my photo class, so enjoy!

Monday, December 9, 2013


I braved the cold to get some photos for my Picture the Holidays class.  Baby, it's cold outside!  The lake is very frozen now - the small dark patch in the middle is the only part that isn't thick white ice.  Thankful that our water is restored and we have a warm dry place with all the comforts of home.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


What a day!  Started with a nice luxurious bath.  We had a fun afternoon outing of shopping for stocking stuffers.  Then came the frozen pipes - ours and a rental at the same time.  And we ended the day at an Irish Christmas concert.  Lots of fiddle, lots of clapping, lots of Christian lyrics.  A great way to end a trying day.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


It is impossible for me to teach the kids to drive.  I refuse to be in the front seat, but I can’t even cope with being in the car at all.  Anastasia and I gasped and giggled from the back seat, poor guy.

Xander’s driving school requires him to log 50 hours of time behind the wheel.  That’s about 10 hours a month.  Driving himself all the way to tennis and back only adds up to an hour a week.  Fifty hours is a ton of tootling around town; we sure as heck aren’t letting him on the freeway!

Friday, December 6, 2013


Since we woke up to a thin white blanket, I decided to go for a walk instead of heading straight to work.  The snow was really dry was quickly gone just leaving crunchy ice.  It was a different perspective for sure.  Stark, cold, and a muted kind of pretty.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Feeling very uninspired with the camera tonight, I stood up on a chair.  Funny how the view changes from a few feet higher.  Darn ornament wouldn't stay put with the peace showing, but I eventually got it.

Xanders viewpoint is shifting as he got his permit and got behind the wheel today.  And Anastasia's viewpoint is changing as she winds down from finals week and looks forward to a month with no college courses.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hopes & dreams.
Anastasia's dreaming of getting past finals.
Xander's dreaming of a moped.
Bruce is dreaming of rentals quieting down.
I'm dreaming of a good nights sleep.
Wish upon a star...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Flights can be grounded for bad weather.  And hopes can be dashed by good weather.  I'm happy to see the weather behaving itself this week, a busy week at work, but there is a palpable vibe at work as people peek out the windows and discuss road conditions.  Give me sunshine over dog mushing any day!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Not a fan of the bristly needles of the fake tree, love the lack of fresh pine smell.  Not a fan of the work to decorate the house, love the collective years of memories as they get unpacked.  Not a fan of the family trying to weed out my favorite ornaments, love the set of faceless angels that remind me of my willow tree angels.  Not a fan of all the Christmas tasks looming ahead, but love the soft glow of the white lights on the tree.


Family Thanksgiving Take 2.  More cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes!  More prayers, more kids, more December spirit. Anastasia captured this great shot from the second floor.

L to R: Bruce, Michele, Xander, Sam, Diana, Renee, Bruce Sr, Kayla, Molly, Nathaniel.


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation world headquarters opened across the street from the Science Center in 2011.  Back then, we wandered around the outside of the brand new building.  This year we finally got inside the visitors center.  No surprise that it was high tech and interactive.  But it wasn't what I was expecting.  I wanted more solutions, not to be continually asked a bunch of questions.  But, I guess there is value in pondering...


Starting our weekend farther north with a visit to G&G, we decided to walk Green Lake before heading downtown.  We encountered a few art projects, including this turkey on a stump.

The day continued a path of new experiences - a new hotel, improv at Pike Place market, and a new cupcake spot.


Time to feast.  The food is on the table, the family is preparing to link hands and pray.  Love the laid back day of catching up, resting up, stocking up on cranberries and sweet potatoes, and even lathering up to wash dishes.

L to R: Chelsea, Will, Anastasia, Kevin, Raelyn, Jenn, Brendin, Aunt Mo, Uncle Pat, Shanna.