Wednesday, August 31, 2011


“The life therefore, is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be but we are growing toward it; the process is not yet finished but it is going on. This is not the end but it is the road; all does not yet gleam in glory but all is being purified.” – Martin Luther

Ran across this today in a book that is challenging my spiritual growth. Today the road looks like healing, and I’m hoping tomorrow it looks like exercise. And that I can be or become more than do, and keep growing. How's that for deep on this last day of August?!?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Bruce decided to clean out the front closet today. He asked me to reduce my coat collection down to three. Xander found and decided to goof off with an otter tie. Hence the blog photo.

I was really proud of myself for working all day today, even through the rough parts. But Bruce talked me out of paddle boarding this evening. Hence the trip to Starbucks instead.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Regardless of which route I take to work, I pass over at LEAST three sets of railroad tracks. Trains switching back and forth at lunchtime used to be a routine occurrence, but the rails have been quiet lately. Imagine my surprise when I had to wait for the longest train ever when I was in a rush to get home, my day cut short again. At least the graffiti was interesting; I even saw a portrait of Maggie Simpson!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Today’s outings: church and the pool. Read three magazines, sipped a cranberry juice, and enjoyed an ice cream sandwich while the kids worked on diving. Talk about lazy Sunday! I did accomplished a few things around the house – thinned my spinach, made a veggie stir fry, planned meals, looked at all the coupons in the newspaper, planned my weekly wardrobe, and worked on finances. Ready to declare myself well and get back to a more active lifestyle… my cough disagrees.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


In a normal day, taking a shower and going out to lunch are two things that don’t take much thought or energy. Today, they took more energy than I had.

At least I read the menu to know that the Low Carb Thai Wrap at Creekside Café uses lettuce instead of tortilla as the wrap! Bruce was surprised by that and that he had to assemble his own lunch.

A nice day to sit outside with a book…

Friday, August 26, 2011



Celebrating the end of another work week. Frustrated to have another weekend to cancel or postpone plans due to illness. Amazed at how great the weather has been.

Xander wanted to swim at the country club tonight, so Bruce and I dined poolside. Lovin’ summer, even with a horrible cough…

“My hair’s wet mom, you can’t take my photo!” - Xander

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Yes, dear.

… a movie Xander sucked me into watching this evening.
… a mocking retort when hubby treats me like an idiot.
… my response to “orange you glad you married Bruce” written on a grapefruit.

Left the house for a short work day and a trip to the produce stand, life is getting pretty boring…

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Our dinner routine seems to be consistently missing one member of our family.

Anastasia has swim practice every weekday from 4:30 to 6:30pm, with her friend Sarah.

We all went a little early today to watch her, and her coach was working with her on the strokes.

Soon band will start and she'll go from band practice to swim practice and we'll be juggling middle school football, high school football (for the band) and swim meets through the fall.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week we were supposed to have dinner at friends. We begged off due to my illness (never mind the rice and bean challenge!). And here we are a week later and I don’t feel any better.

But my doctor said to take the antibiotics, DayQuil, expectorant, AND inhaler, so I drugged up and headed out for the evening.

We had a great time, chatting non-stop about all kinds of topics, the boys played football and ran around the “Little House on the Prairie” field, and the dessert was a big hit.

"True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice." - Samuel Johnston

Monday, August 22, 2011


Drove Anastasia and Sarah to their first swim practice after work. Came home and settled into my book on the couch when the door opened and in came Xander, four girls, Anthony, and later another knock and another boy. Went to a Highlands meeting and came home and all them plus more are in the living room watching movies.

Mom: “What did you do today?”
Anastasia: “Nothing.”

Ah, summer.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


This evening was the Vegetarian/Vegan Potluck that my friend and co-worker Debbie hosts at our local produce stand. It’s been a great weekend for dining outdoors. Xander LOVED the dill potato salad (with veganaise) and the chocolate torte (no idea on the ingredients, but tasted like it should have had a lot of cream cheese) and busied himself photographing promising recipes from cookbooks scattered on the tables. Half of my family refuses to attend, but friend and co-worker Donna got her entire crew there tonight, and we enjoyed hanging out and discussing all the dishes (gotta try at least a bite of almost everything) and whether it was black grapes or olives in the fruit salad.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


We had set aside today to do a big hike. With me still recovering, thought it would be better to do a less strenuous day trip.

Bruce had a great idea – head to Sauvie Island. Bruce could do a 16 mile loop bike ride and the rest of us could pick berries, something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. The farm had blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and a few marrionberries left.

My original plan was to pick 20 pounds of berries, but with Xander hollering “I’m done” every quarter hour, I adjusted expectations to 10 pounds. It was the hottest day of the year and the berries were a bit picked over. We only got 8.75 pounds. But we had fun and agree we’d like to do it again next year.

What do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze. Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit.” – A song from The Hangover that Xander sang over and over and over as he picked berries.

Friday, August 19, 2011


We did it! Or at least we mostly did it…

$29.11 for food for the week - 3 pounds of rice, about double that in dried pinto beans, 3 cans of garbanzo beans, a few pounds of Beanland soup mix, two coffees for Bruce’s meetings, and dessert tonight at Burgerville… we had a communication mix-up on what night we were meeting the Carasa’s for dessert, and the disappointment was too big, so we went for blackberry shakes and sundaes alone.

“I don’t think any day is worth living without thinking about what you’re going to eat next at all times.” – Nora Ephron

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Evenings seems to be a lot of Bruce or the kids hollering up to me from the stairway as I rest and read in the bedroom. The hairdresser cancelled my appointment, so my evening stretched on - hours and hours of nothingness, broken up only by refried beans served over rice. Three more meals and back to real food!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Decided it’s time to start photographing the family again more, so didn’t stop to photograph Mt St Helens on my drive today, and took a photo of the one bathed in perfume instead. I sure wish I had her tan. Or her energy, as I try to rest yet another evening…

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


For the record, I do not approve! This is what I came home to today. Glad Xander is outgrowing his fear of heights, but can’t fathom why they need to be up there.

Early morning, drive, sit in meetings, drive some more, play with numbers at the office, rest, eat more beans and rice, paddle board, rest some more, cook more beans and rice.

That’s my day in fast forward!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Today is my Grama’s birthday. She had pierogy, Polish dumplings that are stuffed with potatoes and plums, that I had shipped from the east coast.

Xander walked to Burger King with his friend, and only had water.

We started our week of bland beans and rice today. In a show of solidarity, my wonderful co-workers also bright beans and rice for their lunch.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." - Romans 12:1-2

Sunday, August 14, 2011


The day would be great if I didn’t have a busy week looming ahead. It was a good mix of on my feet and serious rest. Skipped my second Sunday service due to the crud…

I missed a shot of Molly playing with the LPS stuff in the dining room this morning, but got a still life of toys that our household has moved past.

The munckins went home today. Sunday chores commenced, including cooking beans and rice in preparation fro our fast to begin.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today was our annual Relay for Life event. My hopes for hanging out for several hours were dashed by still feeling awful, but I still spent a few hours there, and saw the Survivors lap for the first time.

Bruce got the kids to pay to put Aunt Michele in the dungeon! Luckily Donna was right behind and was kind enough to bail me out.

“Are you going to take your sick chic home?” – my co-captain Bill, to Bruce

Friday, August 12, 2011


Made it to Friday just in time to collapse into coughing fits!

The kids came home tonight, and were excited to take the paddle board for a spin. Here’s Anastasia on her maiden voyage, with Molly, Kayla, and Sam shore side. The new “mule” wheels aren’t as slick as they could be, but both kids love the board.

Ready fro rest and to start feeling better…

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Our last night of alone time again for awhile. Tomorrow night our two will be home plus 3 more!

Bruce actual ate his culinary delight tonight – pesto spaghetti and lemon cucumber with balsamic vinegar. Three more days to use up all our perishables before our bland fast begins.

I feel very pampered – a week of great meals, a week of taking it easy to feel better, a week of Bruce helping to lug the board to the lake.

“Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that.” ~Michael Leunig

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I asked Bruce how our weekly coffee date was going to fit into our “off schedule” week, and he said “let’s go now” right after enjoying Parmesan Crusted Tilapia with corn relish, so we went. I had a maple mocha at Red Leaf. Forgot to order decaf, oops!

Bring on the NyQuil… tired of coughing, think I feel worse today. :( Taking it easy. Watched a great documentary recapping the China Study called Forks Over Knives about whole grain plant based eating, and heading back to the couch for more Hell's Kitchen marathon.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


4 days to Relay! Woo-hoo, hoo! Can you sense the excitement?! The captains meeting was pumped tonight. I’m still scurrying around collecting donations and now I get to pass out the T-shirts, but think I’m ready. Looks like we’ll have three extra little walkers joining us this year…

Today also represents day 2 of successful lake paddle boarding and day 2 of yummy zucchini recipes. Tonight was Italian Style Zucchini and Parmesan Soup. It's been fun not meal plannign this week, but even more fun tasting his gourmet creations!

Monday, August 8, 2011


It’s a good day.

I woke up feeling better. Not cured, but much better.

With the kids gone, Bruce made me Gordon Ramsey’s Zucchini Cannelloni with Ricotta and Pine Nut for dinner, yum!

Then I took a spin on the new paddleboard.

Life is good.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


My body took an unscheduled time out today.

I’ve felt punky since Thursday, and this morning there was no rallying to get to church. Back to bed until mid afternoon.

Feel better now; hope I’m back to normal soon.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today we met my sister and her family at Northwest Trek to enjoy the animals of the northwest. The weather was colder than we expected, but that brought the animals out. We had great views of elk, bison, deer, sheep, moose, mountain goat, owls, golden eagle, fishers, river otter, and even frolicking baby raccoons! The corny tram driver made the day.

Happy almost birthday Eva!

Friday, August 5, 2011


The theme of the day seems to be TGIF, and I can’t agree more.

Finally had a day where I didn’t pork out at work (chocolate flavored coffee creamer and Krispy Kreme’s call my name). Hit the produce stand after work to stock up on better options. And Xander seems to be my new exercise buddy. He would make better time if his shoes would stay tied!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Neil Diamond tribute at the lake tonight… and the crowd goes wild. Except Bruce.

I enjoyed the music, having the kids off at a youth event movie with friends, the yummy balsamic wrap, and cruising closer to a weekend.

Facebook conversation this afternoon:
Mike Wallin Poker tonight, come join us!
Bruce Fischer Would love to Mike but Michele is dragging me to the Neil Diamond tribute band at the lake. In the next life I'm marrying a woman with good taste in music! :)
Mike Wallin Bruce, enjoy some lions icecream while there!
Bruce Fischer LOL. Okay in my next life I'm going to marry a woman with good taste in music AND let's me eat ice cream on weekdays

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


At work I like to do the long or daunting tasks first. My boss told me many years ago to put the big marbles in your jar first, and the sand will fill around it.

I decided to apply that to home life tonight. I ran my errands straight from work and pulled out the hedge trimmer right after dinner. Got a lot done before a church meeting, but now it’s after 9pm and I still have lots of sand tasks left to do before bed!
None of my doing, but our new screen door is now installed, and I love it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Tonight millions across the nation will participate in a National Night Out event. This is the first year that our FIELD-FIR neighborhood watch group had a block party. The four police officers who dropped by were scheduled to check in on seven block parties in Longview tonight.

National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness and strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships. A by-product seems to be lots of yummy food to enjoy, and line dancing entertainment.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Wow, straight back into the fire today! I had a moment of bliss when I walked in and my perpetual calendar was stuck on July 15th, but it was gone by the time I set it to August.

My computer was still booting up with I heard the news that our payroll system had a hiccup. By mid morning there was a separate full blown heart attack. I didn’t conquer the stacked up e-mails until mid afternoon. And that means reading the messages, not responding or filing.

Happy August!