Monday, November 30, 2015


All is calm, all is bright...

Even in twenty degree weather, love my morning jog.  It's so peaceful, and the decorations are fun.

This morning had the entire lake all to myself.  Happy Monday!

Sunday, November 29, 2015


We took Anastasia down to Portland today to catch the Bolt bus home.

Don't let the sunshine fool you, it was freezing cold today!  Stopped at REI to buy better gloves.

Main criteria for lunch was a spot indoors, no food carts today.

Yep, Bruce is in game mode, we got a lot of points today, and played until we froze after the bus pulled away.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Not as colorful as in Portland, but found a decorated statue in Longview on our walk today. 

Friday, November 27, 2015


Thanksgiving, Part 2
Pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and corn, but that is where the similarities stop.
Different people, different food, but still plenty of laughs and love.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Gobble gobble!  Overflowing plates thanks to Aunt Mo.

Thankful for...
New and old traditions and family rhythms
An awesome prayer book our church is studying
Sunshine, being able to get outside
Problems that seem pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Four Fischer's again.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Look who's home!  We all met her at the train station.  One of the other people waiting for a passenger teased us for sitting in a row all on our cell phones.

Monday, November 23, 2015


The first day in ages I got off work and had time and daylight to walk before dinner.  Bruce dropped me off at the community college and I walked back. Wish I could add lack of rain to the list, I got a bit wet.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


In the spirit of being weird and quirky, Portland has decorated their downtown statues with ugly sweaters.

We trekked over 10 miles today.  Yep, we were cold.  But it was a nice day, and I was thankful to be able to come into a warm shop, car, and house, unlike all the homeless we saw.

Bruce and I both leveled up in Ingress today.  We've been playing for almost a year. it's been quite an adventure!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


This morning I got up and headed to the community center to pack Thanksgiving food baskets.  We packed about 130 boxes of turkey, potatoes, gravy, canned veggie, stuffing, yams, rolls, and cranberry sauce.  I was in charge of labeling the boxes and bags and the potatoes, then delivered some boxes.  It's feeling like the holidays!

Friday, November 20, 2015


My favorite thing to do on stay-cation days is to stay home in the morning and attack the to do list, then go play in the afternoon.  Today we explored the town of Toledo, with great views of both mountains.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Ingress is doubling points for the next two weeks, so Bruce and I are pushing hard to reach the next level.  Which means lots of walking around town in the frigid cold.  #PLAYHARD

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Homeward bound.

One last family shot.  

Rare to have all of us at home.  But strange that the four of us are all there is at home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Doing puzzles.

Quiet day at home, Mom chillin' with the Fischer's.

Dinner out with Xander because the Fischer's don't sit still very well.

Monday, November 16, 2015


What does it take to deliver 224 packed shoeboxes to the collection site in the pouring rain?

I can't show you, because I was so busy doing it that I forgot to take any photos!

I'll admit I am overloaded with shoeboxes right now, but already mulling over ideas for next year...

Sunday, November 15, 2015



Mom came to town for us to spend two days in Portland at VegFest.  We sampled a lot of vegan goodies, saw a few cook demos, and listened to a lot of medical research about improving our health.

My follow-up?  Eat more black eyed peas!

Saturday, November 14, 2015


It is a challenge to get ten to twelve thousand steps a day when the weather is so blustery.  Mom and I walked indoors a lot today, inside the convention center and at Lloyd's Center.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Mom has arrived!  TGIF.  Wish it wasn't so wet...

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I love the Christmas decorations at the mall, they make me giggle.  Love the big ornaments, but the reindeer look like they are desperate to find a bathroom.  I was desperate to find someplace dry to walk...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Walking Commerce again.
In the dark.
The streets are still torn up.
And tonight it is really really cold.
But, it is dry.
Then off to Bible study.
Isaiah again.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Another shoebox filled evening.  We shopped for and packed 27 boxes tonight as a group shopping event.  Think it might be out of my system for another year...

Monday, November 9, 2015


When sun and rain mix, seems to result in a really pretty sky.  And a big rainbow!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Xander had to make an election video for school, so the guys had some fun with it today.

Perfect day to be home.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


A soggy day in Portland.  Didn't stop to take many photos, it was hard to juggle the phone and the umbrella.  But the first Saturday of the month is Ingress First Saturday, and I look forward to that all month.  One of the park has these snail statues, so that was one of the themes of the day.

Friday, November 6, 2015


Busy busy week.  All the rooms in my life reflect not enough time at home - my computer desk is a wreck.  My scrapbook room is a wreck.  The living room is the biggest wreck, as we bridge tow shoebox ministry events.  TGIF!


Fluffy, frizzy, wild hair.

That week after a perm is always and adventure as things settle down.  No smooth transition from the end of a perm to the start of a new one.

I like having body though, even if it is body overfloweth,


Good-bye, dear friend!

I will miss this purse so much!  It broke for the second time this week, so it went in the trash today.

It was a great size, a great color, a great texture with the little details I like in my wardrobe...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Shoebox Ministries packing party at church tonight.  We packed close to 60 boxes for boys and girls of all ages, and ended up with plenty of stuff left over.  Fun, fun.  I love the puzzle of picking stuff out and trying to get it all to fit in the shoebox.

Monday, November 2, 2015


It was nice to have a break in the rain to be able to walk outside this evening, but boy is it chilly!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Rain, rain, go away!  At least U Village has these night big loaner umbrellas.

We went to Seattle to visit Anastasia today.  :)


Poured rain all day, streets are flooded, and right before the knocks and incessant door bell rings started, the weather cleared up.

My Klingon costume (mask) was pretty uncomfortable, the costume will not live long and prosper.  Bruce's M&M costume has stood the test of time, celebrating 20 years!

We had 111 kids, only slightly down for normal.