Saturday, May 28, 2011


We don’t have a lot of holiday weekend plans, but one thing we really wanted to do was get Xander to the Humane Society to volunteer for the first time.

They have people to do the chores related to hosting the animals, they want their volunteers to focus on socializing the animals. Play with them, walk them, love on them. We wanted to pick two dogs in the same pen, but they had few enough dogs to each have their own pen. So we decided to both handle the same dog.

This guy doesn’t have a name, but one of the workers calls him Dimples. He started off sweet and goofy, if a bit distant, but later showed a mean streak and we put him away earlier than we planned. Guess we’ll have to anticipate that they are misfits.

Xander wasn't begging to bring this one home, but he is ready to go try again soon…

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