Thursday, June 26, 2008


I had a different photo in mind for today, but things can change. Normally I can stay out of my secret candy stash during the week, but things change. The kids have not known the whereabouts of my private stash, but things change. Usually I curl my hair, but this week things have changed.

“Life is one of those precious fleeting gifts, and everything can change in a heartbeat.”


lynette said...

Great post. Yes, things change quickly, don't they?

Live, Laugh, Love said...

I like your hair straight. It looks good.

nwscrapmom said...

I really enjoy your posts... you really have a knack for capturing the unusual. Great job. Hmm... one problem with this one, though. Now you've got me craving a Twix! LOL

Marie said...

I really like that look very cute. :)