Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today was the last day of our Vacation Bible School.

All week there have been rumors that there would be a roller coaster at the all-church picnic today. We weren't sure what to think of this news, but knew that if anyone could pull that off, it would be our children's director, Lisa. She is over the top.

It wasn't an actual roller coaster, but it was quite the sight! It tied in to the adventure park theme of the week perfectly. The week reinforced that choosing Jesus is the ticket to the best ride of their lives.

Bruce had quite the ride today... he skinned his elbow racing a teen through the inflatable. Sometimes the biggest kids get the biggest owies.

"Choose this day whom you will serve." Joshua 24:15


lynette said...

A fun ending to a fun week, I am sure.

nwscrapmom said...

It sounds like a fun wrap-up to VBS. I just found out that the one our kids have attended the past 2 summers isn't going to be run this year due to a "scheduling conflict". Bummer!