Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today found me in Cosmopolis, clearing out my office to make room for others to move into my space. Since I only use it once a month now.

I threw away my Attila the Hun hat, but I wanted to take a photo for posterity.

When I first became a manager, my boss loaned me a book called Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun, swearing by the wisdom on its pages.

Some of the tips include:

You must not be threatened by capable contemporaries or subordinates. Be wise in selecting capable captains to achieve those things a chieftain can attain only through strong subordinates.

Huns should focus on opportunities, not problems.

Some Huns have solutions for which there are no problems.


lynette said...

That hat is great! And the advice from the book is sound too.

nwscrapmom said...

Very fun hat... and the quotes are fun to read, too.