Sunday, June 8, 2008


Alexander was at a friends house this weekend from Saturday midmorning to Sunday afternoon, so it was just the three of us.

And it was quiet. And I could get use of the TV and computer when I wanted it. It's much easier to agree on a restaurant to dine at.

The kids don't fight as much as other siblings, but it's amazing how you notice the absence of squabbling. With two kids underfoot, one always seems to be unhappy. On the other hand, we put plans on hold because our family wasn't complete, like going to see the Narnia movie.

And so ends a very relaxing and productive weekend. Pushing the pause button on life only lasts so long.

“Anytime you put a family of four together, you get interesting dynamics. It's a pretty humorous and explosive mix.”
Bertram van Munster


lynette said...

We put movie plans on hold because of a missing kid too. Glad you had a nice weekend.

nwscrapmom said...

It sounds like a good weekend. Very cute picture, by the way. She looks very confident.