Saturday, June 7, 2008


Have you ever gotten a phone call that completely changed the course of your day?

Today was the birthday party that wasn't. We were just heading out for Xander's last soccer game and a trip up north for Molly's 2nd birthday party when we got a call that Molly is a sick puppy and the party's cancelled.

So Xander went to visit a friend and the rest of us headed to Portland for some tax-free shopping for summer clothes for our upcoming vacation. Anastasia and I go in the dressing room; everything fits her, nothing fits me. And Bruce patiently waits outside. He found another fedora hat, though, so it is not a wasted trip. I think I like this one the best of all of his many hats. And I decided to try the chocolate flavored Skittles. Just for fun. The chocolate pudding and brownie ones taste like Tootsie Rolls, the vanilla ones are yummy.

Get better, Molly, these pink cowboy boots will be waiting for you!

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” - Robert Burns
Better known as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry"


Marie said...

I would like to try the chocolate Skittles...I can't eat real chocolate, but sometimes chocolate flavored things aren't too bad.

lynette said...

Choc skittles? Defies the law of Skittles fruity nature.

nwscrapmom said...

Hmm... I can't quite picture a chocolate-flavored Skittles. I think I'm with Lynette on this one... they've just gotta be fruity.