Monday, June 23, 2008


I was halfway to work today before I realized that I had totally forgotten to put on any make-up.

Not sure if it was because I didn't do while I was camping and got our of the habit, or if it was because I was in an absolute fog this morning. I woke up, but struggled to get through my morning routine.

Add that to a flat hair day, and I spent the day trying to avoid mirrors.

But I did remember to pack my lunch for a change!

Happy Monday...


lynette said...

I was so nervous before my first day of work one day I forgot to wash my hair. I have a certain order of operations that got scrambled and hairwashing was somehow just omitted!!

Fun to see yo capture the OOPS.

Live, Laugh, Love said...

Mondays all ways seem to be my worst day of the week.

nwscrapmom said...

Fun idea for a picture... I admit that now it is more rare to see me with makeup on than it is to see me without it.