Saturday, September 12, 2009


And so starts soccer season.

Today was the jamboree, where most teams played two practice games. Xander is feeling under the weather with his first back-to-school crud, but he got out there and made contact with the ball.

He was disappointed to be purple this season, and even more disappointed to be named the Pumas. Sorry, dude, this is our lot through November!


Diana said...

Purple is the best and most victorious color Xander!!!! It will suit you well.

Sorry you are under the weather. The crud going round right now is not nice. Inhaler and rest time dude!

Run like the Pumas!

Diana said...

your dad seems to think purple is cool because that is what the Huskies wear....LOL Noooo that is backwards...Huskies wear purple because IT IS THE COLOR of victory. Trust me, I'm older than him and know better!