Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today was shot day.

Once a month, sometimes more, Xander and I have mother-son bonding time at the allergy clinic. We usually get in right away, but then we have to wait for 20 minutes to make sure we don't have a reaction. Xander gets a sucker if he doesn't cry, and he hasn't cried in ages. It helps that he is down to only one shot now. I however, have three injections each visit, because I seem to be allergic to MORE things every time I get tested. I've been on allergy shots for 15 years, so it is just a way of life for me.

"Physical ills are the taxes laid upon this wretched life; some are taxed higher, and some lower, but all pay something." ~Lord Chesterfield


lynette said...

What a bummer way to spend an evening.

Marie said...

Ugh...I didn't know you guys had to do that all the time...no fun! But he definitely looks like he's a great sport!

nwscrapmom said...

That doesn't sound like fun. At least Xander's smiling!