Thursday, March 20, 2008


It was fun driving through town tonight seeing the churches lit up, the stained glass shining.

Today is Maundy Thursday. In the Jewish tradition, Passover. In the Christian tradition, the last supper. I learned tonight that Maundy is Latin for commandment. Jesus gave us a ritual to follow with communion, and a commandment to follow to love others as Christ first loved us.

Here I am enjoying rock soup in the fellowship hall before our communion service in the sanctuary. Pastor John talked to us about how the allure of upward mobility tugs at us, but Jesus modeled downward mobility. I'd say that we blurred my table mate to protect the innocent (since she did not want her photo taken!), but really the camera was just on scenery mode! Oops! We'll see how amused she is...


lynette said...

Looks like you were having fun! Too funny about the camera setting.

nwscrapmom said...

I'm not familiar with Maundy Thursday. See? You taught me something new today. :)

Diana said...

We call it Holy Thursday