Friday, March 7, 2008


This is a wall in our church. it is the stairwell down to our youth room, and it is plastered on both sides with record covers.

I don't get down that way very often, but when I do, I really enjoy the wall, and I am shocked and amazed that I actually recognize several of the artists. Third Day. Jars of Clay. Skillet. Kutless.

While I am far from hip, I owe any coolness I have to WAY FM, the local Christian radio station. I enjoy listening as I drive around town. The kids and I sing to most of the songs. And I drag everyone to as many concerts as I can.

Besides the fun (repetitive) music, the dj's are entertaining too. Jeff and Stace are outrageous on the morning show, and on Total Axxess last night Wally and intern Zack were talking about their bucket list, and it was pretty funny.

Today's Word on the Way is Psalm 139:1: O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.


Anonymous said...

I love that you think recognizing Christian bands from the '90s gives you some coolness. :)

nwscrapmom said...

It looks like a fun place for the youth to hang out. We listen to Spirit 105.3 and I love that the kids aren't shy about singing along in the car.

lynette said...

OK....I love Bruce's comment. Since he updates for you it sounds like it was diabolically planned all along :)

We used to listen to Jars of Clay all the time, otherwise I don't receognize anyone.