Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I asked Bruce to take some photos of me. He clicked about four and was done. But he redeemed himself when I mentioned that my photo shoots are closer to fifty photos, not four. It takes a lot to get a photo of myself I'm happy with.

Lynette has challenged us to find signs of spring. I pulled out my spring wardrobe this week, so I'm wearing some brighter clothes. I'm not going to blend in with this jacket!

I do a lot of clearance shopping, so most of my clothes have to go in the closet until it is that season again. This is the first time I've worn this jacket, but I bought it last August for $13.

A few quotes about clothes that I found:
"While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence - which, I believe, does make the woman."
Mary Kay Ash

"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they're the first to be rescued off sinking ships." Gilda Radner

Happy spring!


nwscrapmom said...

Very cute picture. You are a very confident person to wear such a bright jacket. I tend to wear colors that allow me to blend in with my surroundings. Maybe when I get closer to my goal weight... then I'll be shouting, "Look at me, everybody!" LOL Seriously, though, it is a very cute picture.

lynette said...

Very cute picture! Good for you on thinking outsdie of the box too, I'm not very good at that.