Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Their fragrance is driving my allergies crazy, but I sure love the blossoming plum trees on our street. They just go on for blocks.

Longview is a planned community. These neighborhoods didn't just sprawl into existence, they were purposefully designed. These trees were planted many decades ago, and are still actively maintained by the Parks Department. The trees are not removed unless there are health or safety issues that are determined by the arborists as being beyond any other alternative.

The City of Longview site says "So, stroll through our tree-lined streets and see why Longview is such a great place to live, work and play." And that is just what we did tonight after dinner, take a brisk stroll around the neighborhood.

He that planteth a tree is a servant of God, he
provideth a kindness for many generations, and
faces that he hath not seen shall bless him.
- Henry Van Dyke


lynette said...

Sorry about the allergies but those sure are beautiful!!

Marie said...

It's very pretty. I would love to live on a tree-lined street.

nwscrapmom said...

It's absolutely beautiful, I can see why you like it so much. That's a bummer they bring out the allergies, though.