Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Life overfloweth.

It looks like my scrapbook room just sort of threw up, and that feels like my week. I can’t seem to get traction. I finally finished the laundry I started Monday!

Partially done scrapbook pages, catalogs to read (Bruce normally throws them away before I see them), packing materials for sending books off on bookins, an altoids album in progress for my nephews first birthday, my to do list, and finances tracking. And with Bruce gone, I can have as may half drunk glasses of water as I want around the house.


Diana said...

I wondered how you would fare with him gone! We won't tell him your enjoying yourself or anything like that. Katie is going to away camps 2 wks in a row in a few weeks..that took planning:)

lynette said...

The glasses of water crack me up :) You rebel you!

Marie said...

Sometimes it's nice to have them gone. Enjoy your half-full glasses!

nwscrapmom said...

See... your post shows you are an optimist... they are referred to as "half-full" instead of "half-empty"! *G*