Sunday, April 20, 2008


Today was Anastasia's last play as part of children's ministries at church. Because in a few months she will be graduating to the middle school program. They just keep getting older and older...

Xander is the frog, Anastasia is in overalls in the back. And Evan (puppy dog) and Liam (fishing vest) are two of my Sunday School students.

One of the lines was:
Q. Did you hear about the boy who got Egyptian Flu?
A. He caught it from his mummy!

Ah, good times...


lynette said...

Gotta love kid jokes :) And yes, they grow way too fast!!

Marie said...

I think I'm getting the reverse Egyptian flu...the mummy is getting it from her son...ugh.

nwscrapmom said...

That's sweet! I do miss being involved in a church where they actually *do* things with/for the kids.