Saturday, April 12, 2008


Today was Alexander's first official soccer game. If the weather was always as beautiful as today, I could joyfully become a soccer mom.

He played goalie first half, and defense second half. He has a lot to learn, but everyone on the team is in the same boat. It was fun to watch. He's a bundle of pent up nerves as the ball gets close to the goal. And he does pretty good defending the goal when he is not limping around the field exhausted. It's also fun running into a ton of other people we know.

The "carrots" lost their first game. But they have seven more chances.

"The rules of soccer are very simple, basically it is this: if it moves, kick it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does." - Phil Woosnam, Welsh soccer player/manager


Marie said...

So much fun watching them do sports! Nicholas only played for 1 year, Matthew didn't at all. Good luck to them next time!

lynette said...

We have sports year round so we run the weather gammet (sp?). Days like yesterday make it worth it though!! Great day for baseball too :)

nwscrapmom said...

Boy, you can just feel the energy in this picture. Great job capturing it.