Monday, April 28, 2008


Having a good Monday for a change!

Our retreat speaker this weekend had a strong bent to
Covey's Seven Habits, so I thought I'd take a photo of my goose and golden egg. Everyone was required to go through the 3 day training at work, and spouses were given the option, so Bruce tagged along too. I earned my egg for reading the book and my goose for teaching Covey sessions to others. Stephen Covey is Mormon, but I was able to adapt it to an adult Sunday School session. And I taught it at work while the rural building was surrounded by cops with drawn weapons because a prisoner had escaped nearby.

This was back in
1995. I still use some of the concepts, like weekly time management planning, short and long term goal setting, and focusing on what quadrant you are in (putting out your fires, putting out someone else's fires, vegging, or working on your goals). But one of the concepts was "love is a verb", and that one needs some work. The idea behind my visual reminder is that to keep getting the golden eggs, you need to nurture the goose.

The theme of Monday photos is work; otherwise I would have posted a photo of the charred rack of BBQ ribs that had to be thrown away tonight...


lynette said...

Fun goose and sorry about the ribs. I hate tossing food.

nwscrapmom said...

I like visual reminders like your goose. Nice.