Thursday, April 3, 2008


I've recently read two Nicholas Sparks books, The Notebook and The Wedding. Both featured swans as a central theme, which made me think of our swan painting. Many have probably glimpsed it, but few may realize its significance.

We got it shortly before we bought our first house, when we were dirt poor. It seemed way too expensive and big, but I knew I'd regret it if we didn't buy it, and I am spoiled. In college Bruce and I would rent a canoe and go to a secluded area of Lake Washington. There was a swan couple, and they often had a cygnet. It was so romantic, and this painting reminds me of that time in our lives. It has hung on three different houses now, and it is one of the few things I would list when people ask that question "What would you try to save if your house in on fire?".

"But calm, white calm, was born into a swan" - Elizabeth Coatsworth


Marie said...

It's often the stories behind items that make them treasures. Very romantic.

lynette said...

Such a wonderful treasure :) Great story!

nwscrapmom said...

I love Nicholas Sparks' books. Thanks for sharing the picture behind your painting... that is SO romantic!