Thursday, April 24, 2008


All dressed up and somewhere to go. Thursday night is our busiest taxi service night. Anastasia has Girls on the Run until 5pm. Alexander has soccer practice from 6 to 7:15, and Anastasia has ballet from 6:30 to 7:30. Bing, bang, boom.

I thought photos in their respective attire would be fun, but they had more fun with the gangsta poses.

“It's crazy, hectic, and we're low on gas.” - Jamie Thompson


lynette said...

I sure understand what those nights are like!

Marie said...

I don't miss that! Nicholas is going to a dance tonight, so the taxi service has to stay awake until 11pm...ugh.

nwscrapmom said...

I have a feeling I will see a lot more "taxi days" as fall approaches and the youngest gets involved in more activities of his own. Cute picture, tho!