Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Guess what's up:
A. Their favorite relative just died.
B. They are being tortured in the corner.
C. They are trying really hard to mimic their crazy mom's newest Willow Tree statue.

Yep, it's C. Well, maybe a little of C and B...

I wondered aloud what it would look like to photoshop their faces off so they looked more like Willow Trees. Maybe they wouldn't look so bored or sad! To me Willow Trees are serene and calm...

A thank you shout out to my SIL Diana and the gang for my Willow Tree birthday gift!


lynette said...

What a fun image! Very cool :)

Laurie said...

How did you do that? It almost looks like a wood carving or etching...

nwscrapmom said...

Very cool... did you Photoshop that? Willow Tree figurines are so beautiful!