Monday, April 14, 2008


My baby turned 10 today!

We get to celebrate all month long, but today is the official day. The "bring cupcakes to school even though they have way outgrown that" day. The "bring a friend to Chuck E Cheese" day. And the "phone ringing off the hook with birthday well wishers" day.

In some ways it seems like yesterday that our ten day overdue son finally decided to make an appearance into our upside down not-quite-moved-to-Aberdeen world. And in some ways it feels like two lifetimes ago. A lot can change in ten years. Once he stopped screaming non-stop, he turned into a pretty fun and compassionate little man.


Lesa said...

happy birthday Xander-double digits!..he is stinkin cute!!..a cute mix of both you and Bruce..

Diana said...

awwwww....he's 10 now!!! a little closer to those teen years!

nwscrapmom said...

Wow! Happy (belated) birthday to Xander!

lynette said...

Happy Birthday to Xander!!

Marie said...

Happy birthday, Xander!