Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Here's my TV girl. She claims she is stretching before ballet class, but the world stops for her when the TV goes on, she is completely glued to it. Can anyone guess what she is watching? A family favorite, Bruce got me hooked on it when we hung out together in the dorms.

And who can blame her? I grew up glued to Little House on the Prairie and M*A*S*H* reruns.

I don't watch much TV anymore, and when I do, I'm usually multitasking. Like tonight. I painted my nails and watched another episode of Ax Men while they dried.

Some quotes to ponder:
“The television, that insidious beast, that Medusa which freezes a billion people to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and promised so much and gave, after all, so little.” - Ray Bradbury

“If you read a lot of books you are considered well read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well viewed.”- Lily Tomlin

“Television is the first truly democratic culture - the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want.”
Clive Barnes


Anonymous said...

Since the show she's watching premiered 4 years after I moved out of the dorm it wasn't me you watched it with. Who were you hanging out with in the dorms watching this with???!!!

Marie said...

Love your quotes.

nwscrapmom said...

Great quotes... can't say I've ever watched ST before. I was (also) a Little House and MASH girl.

lynette said...

I never watched Little house, don't know why. Books and TV are all about balance but I'll error on the side of books.