Monday, May 12, 2008


This may not be exciting, but this calendar rules my life. I have a big one on the wall at work, one on my scrapbook room, one in my briefcase, and a mini one in my wallet. Big ones are hanging in every conference room. I don't make dentist appointments or any vacation plans without consulting it.

Weyerhaeuser has it's own calendar. 2008 starts on December 31st and ends on December 28th. There are normally 52 weeks in the year, but every seven years we enjoy a 53 week year.

Not all jobs are as driven by the calendar, but for me the first two weeks are critical. Week one is closing week. An excuse to stay in the office all week, but also the expectation to find and solve all problems with the processes and numbers. Week two is reporting week, when we generate and distribute the results for the prior month. That's when it gets really fun, with managers trying to understand what the heck happened. I seem to struggle with what month or what year it is, because I am always dealing with what happened in the past or forecasting what will happen in the future. We don't pay any attention to May in May.

Pay days are marked. Not because I particularly pay attention to when I get paid, but because it is very relevant when the payroll system goes haywire and I have 840 employees to get paid.

January, April, July, and September have an extra week. We LOVE five week months. It's the best time to take vacation. Or schedule the auditors. Or work on the goal projects that keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list.

“Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.”
Michael Ende


lynette said...

Sound like a lot to keep up with!

nwscrapmom said...

Whew... thank goodness for the calendar! Sounds like a lot to juggle otherwise.