Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I just feel blah again today.

But there are things that need to get done.

So I decided to sit in my scrapbook room and create for an hour, when I really wanted to roll into a ball and read a book. I didn't feel like working with any of the 2005 photos I have handy. I felt uninspired. But I kept pushing myself. This page may not be the way I had planned, but I don't remember the plan for the enlargement after three years. And tomorrow I may come up with a better idea. Lord knows it needs a better title! But, today, it is done.

And I'm ready to attack a few more things off my to do list tonight.

“Nobody motivates today's workers. If it doesn't come from within, it doesn't come. ”
Herman Cain


lynette said...

Good for you for pushing through it and doing something. I think I would have just sat there and stared at my stuff :)

nwscrapmom said...

Hmm, maybe the lack of motivation is precisely why I haven't scrapped since the retreat in, when was that, January?!?! Good for you for getting it done, though. Looks like a bunch of worms (as in book) in the grass.

Marie said...

Yea, a layout...love the colors.

Beth said...

AS busy as you are, I think getting it done is a great accomplishment. I don't know how you do it all.