Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I don't feel right taking photos at church, so it was kind of fun to try to take "stealth" photos during our annual congregational meeting tonight.

At left is the awesome stained glass window that just got more and more pretty as the sun set.

In the middle is "the meeting of the minds". Church president Norm, Pastor John, and Bruce were having a pow-wow after counting up people present. We need 100 for a quorum, and had 110, whew. Bruce just has to be in the middle of the action. He's not good at sitting still.

At right is Dennis, our first service music leader, getting ready to open the meeting with a song.

Some information I got out of the meeting:
Our first service attendance averages 190. Church membership is 630.
Last year we opened the church to 14 weddings and 29 funerals. As a large and historic 85 year old building, it is popular for both.
The senior adult ministry hosted 22 events last year. 156 different people attended during the year, and total attendance was 748.
I don't track that for my family age ministry events, but we certainly can't match that. I was impressed.


Marie said...

I love statistics like that. I'm always figuring out percentages of students who (whatever).

lynette said...

I've been in your church before. I do love the stained glass.

And for teh record, it cracks me up to hover over the links Bruce adds and see what he's linking to :)

nwscrapmom said...

Very pretty stained glass... and interesting stats.