Friday, May 16, 2008


Friday brought me to a financial reporting conference in downtown Seattle. It was as interesting as 8 hours of accountant types discussing FASB can be. On our breaks we got to go out in the sunshine and watch them load a million pineapples onto a cruise ship (after the drug sniffing dog was satisfied).

Then the fun trek home began. First we fought the pile up heading for the parking garage exit. Then we fought Friday afternoon pedestrian and car traffic through downtown Seattle to get to I-5. My carpool dropped me off and I fought my way back on the freeway. I wasn’t moving much, so I snapped a bunch of traffic shots. Then I saw the cop next to me giving me a double take. I turned my camera off.

It took me over 3 ½ hours to get home tonight. But at least I wasn’t honking, like someone I know would be…

“Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams.” Mary Ellen Kelly


Marie said...

Ugh...I really don't like waiting in traffic...hopefully you had something good to listen to while you were driving.

lynette said...

Traffic is dreadful. Were you listening to a book?

nwscrapmom said...

Traffic... something I could definitely live without! Guess I'm a small-town girl at heart. Always have been... always will be. *G*