Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Yesterday was the silly child, today is the serious one. Here she is sporting her new reading glasses, and trying like heck to win back her honor as top reader at Olympic Elementary. She got a little lacksidasical this spring, a classmate passed her up, and now she has to work at it.

She loves her new spectacles, it reminds me of when I first got mine in junior high. It is not quite so fun when you HAVE to wear them every day!

“Don't call the world dirty because you forgot to clean your glasses”
Aaron Hill


Marie said...

Ah, the competition motivator...good for her wanting to keep her title (and she gets to enjoy something fun in the process!)

lynette said...

Competition is good for you. Kawana was my arch nemesis every year in the speling bee :) Love her new glasses too, very cute.

nwscrapmom said...

Adorable new glasses! Nothing like a little competition to keep one motivated. :)