Saturday, May 3, 2008


Happy National Scrapbook Day! Did you crop today? I did. What else am I supposed to do with all these photos?!?

It's Saturday and it's soccer season, so we were on the field again this morning.

In the rain.
On a huge field.
With only five players present ten minutes before the game started.
Playing against a team with some much older boys.

But team Carrot prevailed, winning 2-0. Alexander is still trying out different positions, but defender seems to be a good fit.

“Orange is the happiest color.”
Frank Sinatra


Marie said...

Yea for Alexander's team. It's great that he goes by his full name or Xander...I just got my 3rd Alex in the class (plus I have an Alexis)...gets confusing!

lynette said...

Didn't scrapbook today at all :( Would have loved to. Maybe one day I will get to again. Glad you had a good day.

nwscrapmom said...

No scrapbooking for me. :( Maybe it was the weather, but I just felt "blah" all day and couldn't get motivated to do anything to save my life. Yea for Xander's team!