Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Bruce jokes that the mailman and delivery trucks hate me with a passion, but I love them. I have always loved getting mail. When I was about Anastasia's age I had over 100 pen-pals, I was mail crazy. Now that we are in the computer age, most of the fun mail comes in the form of packages.

I have spent almost $500 so far this year already on internet purchases - 13 used books delivered from bookins, Anastasia's American Girl Jackson tack box on e-bay, several clearance clothing finds from
Coldwater Creek, 4 pairs of long and lean pants for Anastasia from e-bay, more return address labels for our snail mail, an order from American Girl on some clearance items including a babysitting kit because Anastasia wants to start babysitting, a Mary Kay order that magically appeared hanging on our doorknob, and posters for an upcoming church event.

We've been brainstorming ways to save money. Disabling my web browser would make a big dent.

In actuality all of my mail (and anything else Bruce doesn't want to deal with) land in my scrapbook room, but I toted the recent goods out to our entryway. Not even I want to look at my overflowing in box!


lynette said...

That is too funny! Let's see, I think I have spent about 24.99 online this year :) Time to put your cards in the freezer :)

Marie said...

I love getting mail, too. Your pile looks pretty fun to open. :)

nwscrapmom said...

I love getting mail, too. I just hate the money I have to spend to ensure I get anything other than bills. *G* Yup... disabling the web browser might be good for limiting spending. :)