Saturday, February 16, 2008


Here's Anastasia, up close and personal. Saturday's are fun, there is more time to linger and take photo's. We took a bunch today, there were lots to choose from. Bruce will say "you chose THAT one?", but he doesn't love the mega close-ups like I do.

I didn't know that she had three freckles on her nose. I did know that she has killer eyebrows. And a better fake smile than the guys. And lips that break out a little when she drinks juice without a straw. And hair left in a turbie twist towel until it is a mess. She works hard at refusing to blow dry her hair, I work hard at nagging her to get off the couch and finish getting ready for her day.


lynette said...

I love the journaling on this one!!! She is beautiful!

nwscrapmom said...

I'm with Lynette... great journaling... and I love the close-up picture. Lexi loves her turbie twist, too, only hers is lavender. She leaves hers on forever, too.

Marie said...

That is actually a very sweet photo...wake up, Bruce! Maybe it's a guy thing. And ditto on the journaling comments above. :)