Saturday, February 9, 2008


Good-bye old friends.

I bought myself these oversized slippers on the day after Christmas. I think it was 2006, but it may have been 2005. I saw them when I was Christmas shopping and fell in love with them. I dropped a few hints, but they fell on deaf ears. I promised myself that I would buy them if they still had any during my annual after Christmas shopping spree to stock up on supplies for the following Christmas season, and pamper myself a little.

They were big and clunky, not very practical. But they were fun and they make me smile.

They are so worn through that I can feel the floor when I walk, so it is time to retire them. Now it's back to the frogs full time. Hasta la vista, Monkeys!


lynette said...

They are very cute! Sorry they have to go :(

nwscrapmom said...

Those are cute. My sis-in-law would love them. Sorry they have to go.