Friday, February 8, 2008


TGIF. The knowledge that I can sleep in tomorrow and have no real plans all weekend got me through the day. Being sick makes it so much harder to just do the normal every day things. Inertia takes over and I don't want to move. Don't want to pop up to grab the paper off the printer down the hall, leave the quiet bathroom stall, or even swivel my chair around to do simple filing. I imagine myself curled up in a warm bed. Ah, TGIF!

Before hitting the warm bed, we had family movie night at church. This time I was careful not to cuddle other people's children and spread my germs. Winco pizza and Pringles that the kids spilled all over the floor. Much better than the healthy food mom plans. Yep, TGIF.


lynette said...

A kids gourmet dining heaven. :) Hope you feel better soon.

Beth said...

That smile says it all! Sending get better prayers your way!

nwscrapmom said...

Sure hope you don't get hit with the crud too hard! Be sure to get lots of rest this weekend.

Marie said...

Sick again! You probably knew that was coming after Xander had been sick. Sending get well wishes.