Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Life has been hectic since I left work today, so I thought I'd take a peaceful photo for today.

When I got home, it was a rush to get Xander to soccer practice, then Anastasia had middle school orientation at 6pm, then I had a church meeting at 6:30 that I had to leave early to pick Xander up from practice at 7pm. Unfortunately, I think this is just a glimpse of our fall with two kids in soccer and one in ballet and kids in two different church programs.

No matter how crazy the day gets, though, I try to start with with my quiet time. I started a prayer journal this year where I write down three prayers and one thing to be grateful for each day. I try to keep the prayers focused outside of my little world, it has been interesting to come up with things that indirectly impact me. And I started reading this huge archeological Bible this summer. It's been awhile since I've read the Bible cover to cover rather than skipping around. Lot's wife just turned into a pillar of salt this morning.

“In the laughing times we know we are luckyIn the quiet times we know that we are blessedAnd we will not be alone.”
Dar Williams


Lesa said...

nice post Michele...would you have a recommendation for a women's Bible study that would work for new Bible readers as well as more experienced ones?or a cetain study Bible?....some of the gals at my preschool would love to start a group.

Marie said...

It seems that the older the kids get, the busier the schedule gets.

lynette said...

It's great to have that personal time when things get so crazy!

nwscrapmom said...

I am definitely feeling the craziness of our schedule this year. Maybe it is just the kids getting older and being involved in more? I'm trying to embrace it and enjoy it the best I can because I know the time will zip past and, before we know it, they'll be off to college and/or out on their own.