Thursday, August 21, 2008


Tonight was the last concert in the 2008 summer series. It was reggae music. Not nearly as crowded as prior weeks (as evidenced by the expanse of open grass behind Xander), probably due to the unpredictable weather this week. Each week the kids have gone to the Red Canoe Credit Union booth to get the free red and white beach balls. They provide endless entertainment.

We are countdown one week to back to school for the kids...


nwscrapmom said...

It is hard to believe summer is nearly over. WAAAHHHH! That's a cute picture and your summer concert series sounds like a fun way to get the family out of the house.

Marie said...

The weather was probably a good deterrant for the concert. It's hard to believe that school is starting again so quickly...I need more time!

lynette said...

I can't believe summer is almost over!! I'm ready for routine again but we have also had a lot of fun together. Probably one of our best summers.