Monday, August 4, 2008


Maybe this week will be all about chores. Oh, that seems like too much work. Ba-dum-bump.

When we got home from our trip, Bruce explained that now that Anastasia is in middle school, her allowance will be going up significantly. And now that she is older, her chores are escalating. She is now in charge of dinner dishes. She would rather have fewer chores and less funds, but she didn't have that option.

Tonight was her first night. She wasn't exactly playing to the paparazzi.

A few things I noticed about this photo:
- I caught the water in motion pretty cool.
- Anastasia looks super skinny. Maybe even emaciated. She's been sick, but still...
- Why we have stump remover in the kitchen window I have no idea, but it's amusing considering that Bruce's nickname is Stump!

“Instead of viewing tasks that require activity as a chore or a bother, we should view it as an opportunity.”
Dr. Harvey Simon


Marie said...

She does look thin but most teens go through that growing-too-fast, look-too-skinny phase...I'm still waiting for Matthew to outgrow that one. LOL

Diana said...

Every year on the kids birthday or shortly thereafter, I would have a conversation with them giving them a new privilege and a new chore...gotta take the good with the bad!

cool shot of the water drops..especially blown up when you click on it.

nwscrapmom said...

Extra chores ~ fun. I need to get back on the bandwagon with the chore chart around here. I tend to let the kids slide (shame on me).

lynette said...

My kids are also facing an increase in cash/workload. They must go hand in hand.