Monday, August 18, 2008


Welcome to my home office.

I don't usually work at home, but today I had no choice. Lightening hit our transformer over the weekend, and my cubicle was in the dark this morning. I set up my laptop in a conference room that had power just about the time that they announced that the remaining power was having issues and it wasn't safe for us to work in the building.

So home I went.

Monday is normally my most productive day of the week, but not today. It took most of the day to take care of the few vital things that "had to get done". But I got to spend more time with Bruce during the day and that of course was awesome!

Sometimes when you make plans, God just laughs at them.

"If all our happiness is bound up entirely in our personal circumstances it is difficult not to demand of life more than it has to give." -Bertrand Russell


lynette said...

Sudden changes in plans stress me out. I am trying to learn to roll with things a bit better. Sounds like you handled it just fine.

Marie said...

I love it when things like that happen (like snow days!). The difference is, my work is not piling up on those occasions.

nwscrapmom said...

I love that saying about making plans and God laughing at them. How true!