Saturday, September 27, 2008


I got several cool action shots at Xander’s soccer game this afternoon. Unfortunately his shoes are untied in all of them, but oh well.

Xander has had more air time on my blog lately, so I got a few photos of the sidelines too, and think that is an interesting perspective. Anastasia counts how many more minutes until the ref blows the whistle and we can leave, but she’s a pretty supportive sister. And this week I heard a lot of “click, click, click” as my father in law tried to capture the action.

I bet there are hanging shoe laces in his shots too.


nwscrapmom said...

I think this is a pretty neat picture. I need to remember "it's ok to tilt the camera". *G*

lynette said...

It is a fun pic. Too funny about Xander's laces :) Such a boy.