Friday, September 5, 2008



We spent the evening outside in the garden. Xander was being helpful, he wanted to harvest the zucchini and squash for me. I haven't checked it for a few days and was amazed at all the big squash. I told him that cutting them off the vine worked best, so he went got a knife and was happily sawing away. Next thing I know he has a squash AND part of the plant with loads of baby squash. Oops!

Good things he's cute. With his new haircut and his super cool new shirt.

He quickly grew tired of helping me and headed to the trampoline with the hose. Gotta enjoy this weather while it lasts!


Diana said...

oh he is cute with that smile....

lynette said...

oopsies :) I am loving this extension of summer! YEAH!!!

nwscrapmom said...

Oops! Oh, well... you're right... he's a cutie so I'm sure you let him slide.