Tuesday, September 2, 2008


No, it's not our anniversary. I was just wandering around the house taking random photos of the family, and our curio shelf upstairs caught my eye. It's dusty and doesn't get much attention, but it is full of memories. Like this centerpiece from our wedding cake.

It was so important for me to find the perfect one. I would never in a million years choose a Precious Moments one today, but at the time it was perfect. Dark eyes, light hair (for me,at least!), green and purple accents (our wedding colors), and lighting the unity candle. We lit the unity candle during our ceremony. In fact, I came very close to lighting my veil on fire.

“Nostalgia: A device that removes the ruts and potholes from memory lane.”
- Doug Larson


Beth said...

We had a PM cake topper too! Those were the days!

lynette said...

Very cute! Our topper broke. It was blown glass and we moved one time to many for it to tolerate :(

nwscrapmom said...

Very cute. My mom gave us a PM couple on top of a wedding cake that is a musical piece, but our actual cake topper that we used was Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I can't say I'd change a thing... I still refuse to grow up!