Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Remember in school when you had to draw still life scenes?

This is my still life. The fruits a little bruised, it’s a little out of focus, but that all seems fitting too.

I’ve been packing fruit to work in an effort to reduce my cocoa consumption. This morning when I plopped the fruit down on my shelf, it was visually appealing.

So on my next ergonomic break, I pulled over a sturdy chair, stood on it, and took some photos. Since this made me taller than the cubicle partitions, it caught some attention. Someone thought I had maybe had enough of my job and was getting ready to jump or something. I assured them that I was still sane, and was being sane safely.

Here’s to getting back in shape…


lynette said...

That looks neat. I like seeing little snippets of the day.

Marie said...

I like your still life. Too funny about the comment.

nwscrapmom said...

I am so far behind on blog commenting I should just start at the current stuff... but I'm weird. Good photo idea... and good for you for getting healthy.